Chapter 12

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It's a school day. Whoopie. Whelp, at least it's Tuesday, I have drama today! And a big surprise not many people (I mean me, and the PA teachers) know. I'm actually so excited, my family are gonna be there!! The cast of SIX, obviously, I'd cry if it was anyone else, (cough my aunt and uncle). Me and Millie were getting along much better and we didn't really talk about our grudge, we didn't like to. We actually kind of forgot about it, apart from the times my brain liked to take me back to it. I don't open up to people anymore, I feel like I'm bothering everyone with it and I don't want the girls getting annoyed, especially since I was still not speaking that much, or eating. Not that anyone really noticed, I'd stolen more hoodies from them all aswell so it was easier to cover up the scars and my body. 

The rumour had gotten around school that the West End cast of SIX: The Musical were teaching at our school, and of course, nobody yet knew who had officially adopted me, so I stayed quiet about it all. I could just be one of their friends. One of their many friends. So many people had already asked me about it, my reply was always "I don't know sorry." but when I got tired of that it was probably something like, "Yeah they're holding auditions" just to get their hopes up. That or some other hilarious excuse we could think up. Yes, it might be mean, but it was hella funny. Don't worry I always remembered to tell them that wasn't the case and that I didn't actually know because I didn't know them that well. Me and Britney left our spot under the stairs at the back of the performing arts block to treck round to the front, avoiding the ankle deep puddles that had formed over this year's rainy season, we'd spent all break laughing our guts out over stupid pictures we drew of our geography teacher. Once we finally got to the drama studio our teacher was only just letting us into the room. "Hey guys!" she spotted us as we scurried down the hall and stumbled into the room giggling, our teacher, smiling, followed in behind us. I looked up to see the girls sitting on the black boxes that are normally in the room. "Oh... hi," I said, trying to get my breath back, and waving at them. "HI!!" Millie waved aggressively making my form laugh. I went to sit by my place on the floor, it was against the block right next to my teacher's desk. I could easily see the board and I got along well with her therefore I could chat if I really wanted to. I looked over noticing an extra, COLLETTE! My face lit up as she smiled at me realising who I was.

After doing the register and explaining what we had to do Miss Miller explained to us what was going on for the next few weeks. They were with us for the next 6 months. My family was in school with me for the next 6 months. I'm gonna get found out. Everyone's gonna know I live with them, I don't wanna be popular.

You know what, let's deal with it. They're my family, I love them. This is gonna be fun. 

We were put into groups and taken into different drama studios, I was with Courtney and Grace in the theatre, there was 5 groups, Aimie was with my drama teacher since there was an odd amount of us.

"My time to prove I'm the cool one!" Courtney exclaimed as we got into the theatre, some meaner girls following us in, Grace frowned and whispered at me to play along. "Gracceeeyyyyyy!" I giggled, falling into her, Courtney stuck her tongue out at me and went to sit on the stage. After explaining to us that we had to make a performance over the next two weeks that was funnier than the other's she got us all up and took in ideas. We settled on re-enacting Nat and Aimie in the salon but ruining everything. 

A double lesson later it was the end of the day (tgif). The class met up back at the studio and then everyone left, leaving me, the girls, Collette, and my teacher in the room. "You not going?" she asked me, wow. How did she not know? I peered over at Maiya and tried not to laugh, she was holding it back, you could see it in her mischievous smirk. "I go home with them." I said before me and Maiya burst out laughing,
"Oh dear God, what are you two laughing at now?" Aimie questioned us,
"I don't know," Maiya squeezed out. It sounded really stupid because she said it whilst inhaling so it was squeaky, making us laugh even more.
"Sorry about them." Nat apologised for us, trying her best to look serious. What a surprise, it made us laugh even more. "We're gonna go wait in the car." Millie started,
"You brought the car?" I asked,
"No we walked here."
"Oh... buh bye!" I waved as I sprinted out, "RACE YOU FOR A WINDOW SEAT MAI!"
"IM COMING TOO!" Millie followed closely behind.
"WAIT WHAT?" Maiya said, it was muffled because I was out the door, turning a corner round a bush and going up the path through the green gates that led to the car park. Obviously I beat them there. We were all leant against the car, until Maiya spoke up. "Guys... We forgot to get the key from Aimie."
"UGGHHH" Millie whined. We walked back, appearing at the hallway out of breath, "Hi again," Mils sighed, "We forgot the key.". The girls giggled before telling us that we were all leaving soon anyways. "Never again in my life am I running that much." I told Aimie as I gave her a hug whilst Courtney and Grace spoke to Miss Miller. Aimie hugged me back and giggled at my comment. It had been a while since we'd really had Staimie time together, it had been a while since I needed her help to fall asleep. Okay, I admit, the smell of her comforted me, and I still took her converse hoodie with me pretty much wherever I went. I even wore it to school sometimes. I still had anxiety, and she still helped me. It's exactly the same as it's always been, right from the start. So why did it feel different this time?

I buried my face into her chest and hugged her tighter, "You okay?" she asked genuinely meaning it,
"Uhuh" I replied, inhaling her scent and closing my eyes. "I'm tired." I told her.
"Awh that's a first, let's get home then." she said, patting my shoulder. I pulled away from the hug, 
"I think it's Millie's fault, she runs too fast for me to have stamina." I smirked at Mill, who glanced over as soon as she heard her name,
"Huh, what?", She looked confused,
"You broke Stella, she admitted to being tired for once."
"Stella broke me, my legs hurt."
"I thought you were a West End actor?" Maiya teased,
"Yeah but... but..." Millie trailed off, Maiya raised her eyebrows. The rest of us giggled, 
"Let's not bully Mills!" I laughed.

I checked my phone on the way into the house, one of the girls in the more popular group had messaged me. 'Why were you hugging that pink haired lady after school today is she like ur mum or something??'. Then she sent a video of the whole thing, whelp. I left her on read then saved the video because it was cute. I sent it to Aimie after that and we laughed about it. "Thanks for the video random person!" she said leaning back on our sofa. I rested my head on her stomach and curled up, wrapping my arms around her body. She wrapped her arm around me and pulled me in gently, "Goodness, you really are tired Stells." she murmured,  letting me close my eyes and fall asleep.


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