"Isn't that your favourite?"

"I do but you told me you only have chocolate desserts so you should have this and I'll have vanilla. I'm not picky when it comes to desserts."

"I can eat vanilla for once."

"But-", his glare shut her up.

Arnav was annoyed at his stupid cousin for bringing three different flavours. He should've either asked for their preference or just bought the same one for them but no, his brain had to malfunction. There was no way he'd let his wife give up her favourite. In no way was his wife compromising.

After their break, they got back to work. They set up the guest bedroom and were moving stuff into the master bedroom.

"Kritika, you should have this bedroom. I'll take the other one." Arnav's words sent her mind into a frenzy. Separate bedrooms? Why'd they have separate rooms?

Pushing the dressing table to the wall, she took a breath and asked, "what do you mean?"

"Well, this is the bigger bedroom so I think you should have this."


"Why what?"

"Why separate bedrooms?" Her face now resembled Arnav's natural look which was a mixture of blank and annoyed expression.

"Um, I just think that it is better that way. I mean, we are still getting to know each other, right?" His cool, unbothered tone was beginning to break her heart but she wasn't going to show it. If he wanted separate bedrooms, that's what he was going to get.

"Okay. Sure." She got back to angling the dressing chair right.

Arnav stood behind her. He seemed to be in deep thought but Kriti was already pissed. She quietly went out of the bedroom.


Arnav was many things but not stupid. Kriti's mood severely changed ever since he announced that they'd have separate rooms. Obviously that made her mad but deep down he was convinced it was for her good.

His nightmares have become unstable of late. He doesn't know when he'll have them anymore. Granted, his wife was a heavy sleeper but what if he somehow woke her up. What if he hurt her? He felt that Kriti would probably regret choosing him and he couldn't have that. She was already stuck with his weak knee and he wasn't going to have scars from his past to make her second guess her choice. This was better for both of them. Sure, Kriti was the most thoughtful and caring person he's ever met but everyone has got a limit, right?

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see his cousin standing right behind him.


 "Wow! Look at all that politeness." Riyaan sassed.

"Kya chahiye Riyaan?"

(What do you want, Riyaan?)

"I just wanted to ask, it has been 20 minutes. Why are you both so quiet?"

"I'm always quiet."

"Yes but with bhabhi, you talk."

"We're working Riyaan and you should too." Arnav pushed him off to finish assembling the dining table.

A good hour later, all the furniture was set up. All that remained was their personal stuff and that could be organised slowly. Riyaan decided to leave when Kriti stopped him to have lunch with them. She heated up the food her mother-in-law packed for them and served it along the kheer she made. Kheer was the first thing she made after entering this home. It was considered to be auspicious.

"Bhabhi, this kheer is delicious. I love it." She graced him with her smile.

"It is tasty, Kritika." Arnav's compliment was only received with a closed-mouth smile.

As soon as Riyaan left, Kriti picked up a couple of boxes with her stuff, went into her bedroom and shut the door without sparing a glance. Arnav came to a conclusion that he severely screwed up. He wanted to talk it out but didn't know what to say. What could he say? How could he say that he frequently had nightmares and didn't want to appear as a weak man as he already seemed to be? Hoping for their present situation to solve by itself, he got busy with arranging his stuff.

Both of them appeared in the living room during dinner time. They ate the leftovers for their lunch. Silence between them was never an issue but tonight it was. It was painfully awkward and Kriti served herself less food and seemed to be eating too fast to leave the dining table as soon as possible. They quietly washed their plates and began to retire for the night.

"By what time do you wake up?" She didn't know why he was asking that but she chose to answer him and get this day over with.


With his hand on the knob to his room, Arnav wished her, "goodnight Kritika."

"Goodnight." It was the first time in the few days they knew each other, she hadn't taken his name while wishing him before bed. That didn't sit right with Arnav.

That night, two people lay in bed with their minds deep in thought, tossing and turning. Their first night in their new home had ended on a sour note. 


Happy New Year's Eve, Golgappas

Yes, Arnav could just be an adult and talk about but wb the drama then? I hope y'all like this chapter. Please do vote and comment!

Also, I was thinking to set a vote goal? Y'all think its gonna work? 

if y'all are interested, do follow me on Instagram: x.wanderlustwrites.x

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