Heads or Tails

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Arnav Randhawa liked seeing his wife starry eyed. Not at him, no. It was too soon for that but the way she was looking in awe at her surroundings was adorable to watch.

"Okay, should we get a round dining table or a rectangle one? And what kind should we get? We should get a rectangle one. We'll have guests one day and also-" Kriti stopped her rambling once she became aware of Arnav's gaze on her.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

"No, no." A small smile played on his face. "There's no need to be sorry. We should get the rectangle table for sure. Let's get the six seater, yeah?"

Kriti nodded eagerly and they settled on a dark brown Walnut Wood table. The look on Kriti's face after checking "dining table" off the list was worth it. Arnav liked the fact that his partner was delighted shopping for their future home. He was happy that the barren flat he bought years ago would now be turned into a home, hopefully full of light and laughter.

"Should we get blue or brown curtains?" Of course, she wanted his opinion too. She wanted to know his thoughts about everything and he was okay with voicing them, unlike his aversion to talking. He told her it'd be best to pick two of both the colours.

"Can we get pink cushions? Is that okay?" She asked, flipped over the price tag of the curtains.

"Certainly, and Kritika, stop looking at the price tags. You get whatever you want." Arnav didn't spend his college days taking tuition for high school kids, working every possible internship and working his ass off all these years for nothing. He'd be damned if a price tag had his wife concerned.

Moving on to the couches, they decided to buy a Chesterfield velvet couch, and a convertible. When they were looking at the centre tables, it was taking more time to settle on one. They were either too small or too big or just plain ugly. Arnav could feel his eyes drooping, his almost sleepless night taking a toll.

"Kritika, I'm going to get myself a coffee. Do you want anything?"


"Are you sure?"

"Very much." He quickly ran to the coffee shop in the food court and placed his order for a cappuccino. Coming back to the store, the sight in front of him had him rushing his pace.

"What's happening here?" He questioned the salesman who seemed to stand too close to his wife. He tugged Kriti closer by her shoulders.

"Sir, I was merely suggesting to ma'am that she should buy the rocking chair. She seemed to like it." He was still too close to them. Clearly, Raja, as his name tag read, didn't like his nose being able to perfectly breathe.

"Raja, right?" The salesman nodded. "Why don't you take a few steps back?"

"Kritika," he turned to her, "Do you want the rocking chair?" His wife was clearly disinterested in it and expressed the same.

"Ma'am, it is a good piece. The wood is of such fine quality . I'll even add a discount-"

"Raja," stepping in front of his wife, Arnav laid his hand on the salesman's shoulder, "we're not interested in this thing. Not even with the discount. So, I suggest that you stop your stale name-sake of marketing and back off or else I'm going to have to report you to your manager."

"Um, yes sir. Have a good day." He ran off without a second glance.

"That was amazing." Kriti said, standing right behind him.


"Totally, he deserved it." She seemed in awe of him right now. All he did was protect her.

"Want to go to the electronics section? We'll pick everything needed for the kitchen."

Heading to the kitchenware section, they quickly decided on the refrigerator and also bought a five burner freestanding stove. It was deciding on the microwave that was taking up their time.

"Let's get the pale blue microwave, yeah?" Kritika was all colours whereas Arnav insisted on getting a black one.

"Arnav, pale blue is the colour."

"Alright. Let's flip a coin. If it is tails, pale blue and if it is a heads, we go with black."

Flipping a coin into the air, it landed on his palm revealing heads. His wife's pout had him chucking which transformed her face from disappointment to amazement.

"Are we going to handle all our future disagreements by flipping a coin?" She asked.

"We'd probably have to resort to rock-paper-scissors at times." His reply only made her smile bigger.

"Arnav, let's get food. I'm hungry."

Arnav was more than happy to sit and rest his leg. They ordered some tacos and soft drinks.

"When is your next physiotherapy session?" Kriti asked.

"Next week, Tuesday."

"Do you mind if I accompany you then? I would like to meet your physiotherapist too. Only if you're okay with it though." Even though he was hesitant, Arnav was touched that Kritika truly cared for him.


"Your phone has got your attention." Kriti had opened her phone and kept scrolling through while eating.

"Oh. It is just this thing. There's this app called Pinterest and you can save pictures on it. I was just looking through the photos I've saved for inspiration for my future home."

"Do you mind if I take a look?" Kriti slid the phone to him.

"It is just pictures."

"Yes, pretty pictures. You'll find photos of many things in here and if you like them. You pin it and it gets saved to your board. Oh and you see this recipe, if you just tap on it, it takes you to the respective website site."

"That's nice."

Finishing their food, they shopped more and placed orders for things needed in both the bedrooms. Everything was scheduled to be delivered in the next two days. It was the perfect timing, as they were to move in the very next day and the painters would have the place ready by tomorrow. Kriti and Arnav decided that setting up the house would be done by them and Riyaan would be there to help them anyway.


Gol Gappas!!!! I hope you like this chapter. Please do vote and comment!

Happy Christmas Eve!!!!

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Also if y'all like me and my book want to be my friend do follow me on IG

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