Chapter 5

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Jason could barely hold back the attacker with his sword. His back was against the ground, and all he could do was try to push back the other sword that was pressing down on him.

"No, really", the man started to laugh hysterically, "I never knew someone else of my own kin existed, this complicates things."

The man removed his sword, stood up and continued to laugh. Another man had struck the sword out of Kristos, and held his sword at his neck, almost drawing blood. Melanie was on the ground in a defensive stance with a dagger in her hand. 

These men looked ordinary, except the one holding Kristos hostage had the same fiery red hair as him. Yet his eyes looked empty, devoid of any emotions. His eyes was devoid of any humanity, as if they made of glass.

The man leaning above him was handsome, with curly dark brown hair and sun-kissed skin. He has a scar that stuck out above his eyebrow. It looked deep and roughed up his attractive features. He had his eyes, those brown eyes that Jason knew so well.

"Pyrrhus, this one has my eyes, I cannot kill him."

The red head clenched his jaw, and uttered a sentence in a language Jason could not understand. It sounded like Greek, yet it wasn't. The handsome man released the grip, and abruptly hit Jason's sword out of his hands. The weapon did not go away far, but far enough for him to not be able to reach it without being forced to move. 

The handsome man stood up abruptly but kept his eyes focused on Jason. Then he turned around to give a look to the red head, as if asking for approval. This caused Jason to reach for his sword, stand up and directed it towards the man.

"Let my brother go", he gritted through his teeth, "or else I will end you."

"My brother", the man continued to laugh, "you can't kill me, unless you want the wrath of God after you for an eternity."

Jason ignored him and started swinging regardless. The man stopped his assault with his hands like a child's play. The sword could not cut this man. Jason made a horrifying realisation: he was also a pure blood. None of the weapons they carried would be effective against them. 

Before he could react, the man grabbed him by his neck and dragged him towards Kristos and the red head. They seemed to ignore Melanie for now.

"I can spare your life, but the other two are not from the house of Atreus, they have to die today."

"You have to kill me first."

The man holding Jason looked back towards the red head again, as if giving an order. The red head made an attempt to slit Kristos' throat but was stopped by Melanie lunging towards him. She made a swift attack on the hand holding the sword, slicing it and causing him to drop the sword. As she drew closer, she tried to pouce on his chest. However, this man was used to close combat and punched her down with his right hand. The red head did not even wince by the wound on his hand. 

What surprised Jason more was how Melanie had a dagger that could harm these pure bloods. Had she received one from her father? She tried to reach for her dagger on the ground, but it was promptly kicked away from her.

"My, my", said the handsome man, "to think you would have such a formidable weapon on you."

"It's not wise to kill the girl either."

The red head spoke up for the first time, his voice was deeper and grittier. He was also sporting a heavy accent.

"That's right. If that dagger is hers, then her family consist of some fearsome people. They're the last ones we want on our tail right now."

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