Chapter V.

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 "Anya, this is Murphy, Bellamy, Gina, Monty, Harper, Jasper, Octavia, Maya, Nathan, Bryan, Raven and Clarke, former classmates. Everybody, this is Anya."

"She's our cousin," Lincoln finished.

Clarke's jealousy disappeared as fast as it came, and the blonde even blushed because of it. She wondered why she got jealous. The red on her cheeks caught Lexa's attention, and she raised an eyebrow in question, causing Clarke to shrink into herself even more. Raven was still drooling over the new girl, and the boys had a hard tie containing their laughter, as they understood what happened in Clarke's brain.

Anya raised her hand as a way to say hi, and all three of them sat back down. The group was even more cramped, but Gina and Bryan settled on their boyfriend's lap, freeing some space.

"I would have loved to do that too, but I can't have access to my girlfriend," Monty complained to Miller and Bryan.

Both laughed with Clarke, whereas Jasper supported his best friend as his own girlfriend was out of touch. Murphy smiled maliciously while whispering something in Clarke's ear that made her explode in laughter. He then turns to Raven.

"So Rae', you decided to finally have some balls and talk to her?" the brunette whispered, earning himself a slap behind the head.

The slap caused Anya to look over them. She ogled Raven without shame, but since she was too busy berating Murphy for his teasing the Latina didn't see her.

"The brunette's pretty cute," she said to her cousins.

"Which one? Cause brunettes are pretty common around here," Lincoln answered.

"The Latina."

"Ah, Raven? Too much energy," Lincoln laughed, his sight was set on a less energetic brunette though.

Anya nodded and looked at her Lexa. She was focused on something else, someone else. Clarke. The brunette saw her blush a few moments ago, and it was extremely intriguing. Clarke was talking with Murphy and Raven but felt Lexa's gaze on her. She raised her head and crossed the green eyes she liked so much. None moved for a long time, and it was Lexa's wink to the blond that made her lower her head, the red coming back on her cheeks. 'So weak' Clarke thought to herself. It looked like her high school crush never really left.

"So, can we continue the visit?" Bellamy asked as they finished their meal.

"You're touring them around the city? Can I come?" Anya asked.

"Sure, do as you want. If everybody's fine with it," Lexa responded, turning towards the group, where none voiced their opposition.

"Raven is," Miller grumbled with Murphy, both giggling.

It landed them a slap on the head each, Raven's favorite way of hitting them. Seeing that the three Woods were looking at them, concerned with their hilarity, Clarke smiled and assured them that Anya was welcome. They proceeded with their day.

"What was so funny just a moment ago?"

Clarke was startled by Lexa. She appeared out of thin air, scaring the blond. Her face was closed but focused.

"You scared the shit out of me!"

The businesswoman smirked as an excuse.

"That was nothing, just Nate and Murph' teasing Raven, you know how they are."

"What were they teasing her about?"

"Her not-so-subtle crush on your cousin," Clarke answered, joining the teasing of her best friend by doing so." We kind of lost her when she arrived. She panicked when Anya got closer, it was hilarious. And when you asked if everybody was okay with Anya coming with us, both Murphy and Miller said 'Raven is' at the same time. It was funny."

Lexa nodded. She shared what Anya said about Raven with Clarke, and it made a malicious smile develop on the blonde's lips. Lexa thought it was cute before shaking her head and erasing her thoughts.

Their stroll ended at about 6 pm, Anya still with them. They decided to go back to the villa, and they took her with them. The weather was fairly hot, and it was a hot night. As such, they decided on a pool party for tonight, unanimously. Once at the house, they all went their separate ways to get ready. Clarke went to her room and slipped a bikini under her baggy clothes. Not feeling tired and not wanting to be alone, she went back to the common spaces. Lexa, Lincoln, Octavia, Raven, Bellamy, Gina, Jasper, and Monty were already there, seemingly having the same idea.

"Where's everybody else?" she asked, taking a seat next to her best friends.

"Harper's brother called, Maya is with her father also on the phone. Miller and Bryan are resting a bit, and Murphy I don't know. Probably trying to find more ways to fuck us up."

"Don't look like you like that guy," Anya said, arriving from the kitchen.

"It's a love-hate relationship between us and Murphy? He hates people usually, we're just special."

"He told you he was dating someone?" Bellamy asked the group.

"Yes, he told me when I was on the phone with him last month. Didn't want to believe it."

"Of course you know, you always know before anyone else," Jasper said in fake offense, causing Raven to laugh.

"When it's about Murphy, Bell' and Rae' are always the first to know," Monty said to the Woods.

'It was me, a long time ago."

"Oh, don't pout my little dumbass."

Murphy stood behind Jasper and passed a hand in his hair. He went to grab a drink and sat on the floor, between Raven's legs.

"So tell me, what's her name?"


"Emori? The girl you and Raven had a threesome with?" Clarke asked, pointing to the two.

Both nodded, as Octavia cackled. Only Raven and Murphy, only them.

"You guys were together?" Anya asked.

"Yes, just before college. For like two months, it was summertime. It was an absolute disaster, but it made us laugh."

"Our feelings were never clear, so we thought we might like each other more than friends. Turned out we were just friends, and we stopped before college. It never changed plaything between us," Murphy stated.

"We got with each other more because we were bored and wanted to try, than because we really felt something. I love him more than a friend, but not romantically."

"Though when we slept with Emori, we already weren't together anymore. It was like six months ago, give or take."

Anya nodded, lost in thoughts. Discussions rose again around them. Clarke bent over to Murphy and Raven and told them she hoped they didn't just blow a potential relationship with Anya. Raven told her she hoped too.

"Who's game for a truth or dare?" Jasper asked loudly, forcing Clarke, Murphy, and Raven out of their private conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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