The Heart of Slytherin's Lair

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The Minister huffed. “Bad business, Hagrid, bad business. If the school continues at such a rate, it’ll have to shut down. You understand we must do something?”

“You don’ mean… Professor, you know I never did anythin’…” Hagrid was gazing imploringly at Dumbledore, who nodded, frowning.

“Minister, he has my full confidence.”

“Yes, well,” he took out a pale pink handkerchief to wipe at his forehead, “Ministry’s got to do something, not a good look, you understand - Hagrid’s got to be taken.”

“Taken…? You don’ mean…?”

“I’m afraid so, Hagrid. It’s just until all this business is over, you understand-”
A sharp knock sounded at the door again, interrupting whatever the Minister was going to add.

With all three frowning (not counting Harry and Ron) at the door, Dumbledore stepped forward to answer it. The knock had come from a well-polished man, sleek and smiling coldly.

He looked around the room distastefully before addressing the room, “Well, I see you’re already here, Fudge. Good, good…”

“Lucius Malfoy?! Get out of my house!” Hagrid said threateningly. “I don’ wanna see you ‘ere.”

“Oh, trust me, I don’t want to see you or your… house either,” he sneered. “I merely have business with the Headmaster. I was informed he was here.”

“And what did you want me for, Lucius?” Dumbledore asked, that same twinkle back in his eyes, although much darker.

“It’s dreadful. You’re being absolved of your position as the Headmaster of the  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by an almost unanimous decision by the governors. Why, I believe you’ll find all twelve signatures on this Order of Suspension,” Malfoy announced, something smug and satisfying twisting his smirk.


As Harry and Ron exited the Hut in dazed silence after the group had left, Harry reflected on the last words that Hagrid had spoken, most definitely targeted at them.
If anyone wanted ter find any answers, all they’d have to do was follow the spiders.” What was that supposed to mean?


There were no signs of any spiders anywhere. It was like they had all just collectively up and disappeared! Ron wasn’t a big help in the search either, always staying a good few feet away and looking off in other directions, due to his arachnophobia. Harry was trying his hardest to sympathise but it was difficult when the only other person in the search didn’t even search.

Finally, finally, on the way to Herbology, they had found a trail of spiders seemingly heading off into the Forbidden Forest.

“Just great,” Ron had groaned. “More danger, I’m so looking forward to this.”

That singular remark had not been enough to deter Harry. They made their way into the Forest that night, armed only with their meagre knowledge of spells and Fang.


“I’m never doing that again,” Ron said, panting harshly. Harry, just as winded, nodded as much as he could without losing consciousness.

Even though he might not have arachnophobia, he had to agree that giant spiders, very willing to eat humans, were not good company.

Ron shook his head, finally having caught his breath. “No, you don’t understand, Harry. I’m not doing this anymore. Seriously, this is too much. We should give up on finding the Heir, Harry. The victims-” he still winced at that term “-will wake up soon and will be able to tell us who the attacker was. Hermione will be able to tell us.”

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