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ricky, a tall handsome blond, looks like he came straight out of a manhwa, rich, knows by the whole school.. basically, he was worshiped the students and the teachers. all the girls and even guys would crowd him whenever he arrived at school with his expensive car. does he like the attention that was given by the students and teacher? no. why? because whenever he wants to mind his own business and have quiet time, people would surround him, asking for pictures and weird questions. its annoying. really annoying.

everyone seems to have their eyes on him but does ricky give a fuck? no. why? because he already found the love of his life. actually it was just a crush but holy shit it was big for ricky. the person that ricky liked was a guy. and he does not give a shit about it. but, the guy that ricky like was definitely the opposite of him.

the guy was unpopular but he was goodlooking, he was definitely extroverted and a social butterfly. he was very tall considering ricky is tall. the blond was kind of confused why the guy was unpopular. but either way, ricky has been looking at the guy full of heart eyes. they havent even talked a single conversation yet the blond was head over heels. and the guy was, Kim Gyuvin.

actually, they talked alot of times before because they used to do a project together but nowadays, ricky was being mobbed everywhere he goes in the school, so he barely has time to talk to gyuvin. but does the blond have the courage to start the conversation? no. everytime they talked, its always gyuvin who started it. never ricky. why? because hes an idiot. ricky is a so confident guy but it all fell apart when it comes to gyuvin. GYUVIN. THE GYUVIN. gyuvin is a cute bambi with big boba eyes. i mean, who wouldn't fall for gyuvin? i would.

“ricky ya!!”


“shen ricky! look at me!”

“oh my god you're so hot please oppa”

ew hello?? how can these girls not get embarrassed?

today when ricky arrived at school, he was mobbed immediately. today was kind of different. there was 2 times people than the last time which made ricky start to get suffocated. ricky tried to make his was politely but it was too noisy to hear the blond. until the people starts to hold inappropriate places such as the neck, chest, and close to his private place.

poor ricky, all he wants to do was breath.

until a large hand held his right hand tightly, dragging him with full of force. with a blink of an eye, he was in the janitor's closet, it was dark until the light switched on. “hi!” the person who dragged ricky spoke, with a calm yet energetic voice. ricky almost jumped when he saw who it was. “oh uh qyubing.. hi qyubing” ricky awkwardly greeted the taller brunette back.

“sucks to be popular huh?”  gyuvin asked full sarcasm but the blond immediately nodded. “yeah..” ricky said as he scratch the back of his neck. he started to feel hot and he definitely knew his face was red. not due the hotness of the closet, probably the hotness of gyuvin i mean what?

“you're so red” gyuvin said as he giggled, looking at the blond's red ears. “its abit hot in here” “right. you wanna get out of here or something? if you do.. people will definitely mob you again.. class havent started yet” gyuvin said, lowkey trying to convince the other to stay and ricky shook his head, sitting on the floor. “i'll skip the 1st period.” “i'll accompany you” gyuvin smiled as he sat down next to ricky.

ricky swore his heart skipped a beat. the guy he liked for a while now is in the same room as him right now and he felt so shy. the blond glanced at the brunette time to time, he couldn't seem to take his eyes of the other. but, he has been wondering.. does gyuvin like him back?

“random question, do you like anyone?” gyuvin asked suddenly and that made ricky blushed. “uh.. i guess” the blond scratched his neck lightly, looking down. the room starts to get awkward then. ricky swore he saw the brunette's boba eyes changed to a questionable eyes after the blond said he does have someone he likes.

“any plans for this weekend?” gyuvin asked again, maybe trying to ease the awkwardness between them. “usually every weekend i go to the shelter to give money and food to the people there” ricky said, smiling as he remembered the memories where he made all the childrens and mothers smile in the shelter. “oh my god really? we can go there together!” gyuvin exclaimed. “thats not a bad idea at all” the blond smiled.

when it was sunday, ricky got all the food ready to give to the shelter. it was a full meal with rice and chicken. the blond agreed to meet the brunette at the shelter. as ricky got off his car, he was greeted by the very tall brunette. “hi” the brunette smiled before adding, “need help?”.“ofcourse i do!” ricky said as he opened the trunk of his car.

gyuvin helped the blond carry the food to the shelter carefully, making sure everyone gets the meal equally. “oh my, ricky! thank you so much.. and who's this?” an old woman around her 50s asked, but before ricky could even reply, the old woman shut him up. “he is your boyfriend! wow.. you two look very cute together.”

“no no- hes not my b-” “shhh. i know you're embarrassed but either way, you found a good guy. keep it up” the old woman said as she walked away, leaving ricky and gyuvin dumbfounded.

ricky awkwardly turned his head to gyuvin and the brunette was all smiley and happy. “why are you so happy?” the blond asked and the brunette immediately shook his head before responding, “i mean.. the idea of us doesnt sound that bad right?” gyuvin continued to smile, staring at the blond's cat like eyes with his big boba eyes. “stop staring at me like that.” the blond said, walking outside of the shelter with gyuvin following him like a lost puppy.

ricky dragged gyuvin to his car and forcefully make him sit down. “are you kidnapping me?” the brunette asked once the blond drove. but ricky did not replied.

suddenly, they were infront of a fancy restaurant. “why?”  the brunette asked but still didnt get an answer from the other.

the waiter took them to their table that ricky definitely had booked. “kim ricky, answer.” gyuvin demanded once they sat on their table, eyes locked. ricky swore his heart stopped working. Kim Ricky? wasnt his name Shen Ricky?

“what? you don't wanna eat brunch with me?” ricky asked innocently. “brunch? only brunch? this literally look like a place where only couples hang out. look at the rose pedals” gyuvin said, clearly wasnt convinced by ricky. the room was definitely a VIP room, only a table in the middle with two the chairs, red pedals on the floor and even on the table.

“fine. im sorry if this sounds stupid.. i dont know how to express my feelings but i think i like you..? no. i like you. i know we barely talk so its reasonable why u dont like me back. i just.. i..” ricky tried to express himself but failed. at the end, he was looking at his lap in disappointment. he couldn't bring up the words he was feeling. his eyes started to get blurry then. “im sorry” ricky stood up and walked away but he felt a hand on his wrist, holding him tightly.

“i get it ricky. you dont need to get hard on yourself. i like you too.. eversince i walked by the shelter and saw you giving food to the people there. although you look cold and heartless like people always says.. i just know you are more than that.” gyuvin smiled warmly and wrapped his hand around ricky's waist, pulling him into a warm, comforting hug.


A/N: A REQUEST FROM yvjin07 ‼️‼️

i hope you enjoy it!! it might not reach your expectations but i tried😔 if anyone wants to request a oneshot, please dm or leave a comment! thank you <3

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