O Titan, Where Art Thou

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"This is just like you. You never take things seriously! At least Luz and King are far away from here."

Eda looks down. Suddenly, an alarm sounds off.

"Someone's tripped the booby trap." Lilith and Eda head over to the location of the trap and find their palismen looking at Luz (now wearing her fur hat, her fingerless gloves and a pair of white boots), King, and Hooty trapped inside it.

"Hey, Lulu!"

Later on, everyone is gathered around a Fire Bee pit while Luz explains what happened. Eda puts her coat on Luz then sits down next to Lilith.

"It took awhile to figure out which town you're in from your map. I had to keep off the streets with all those wanted posters, but that's when we saw your Hex Mix trail and well, you know the rest!"

"What map are you talking about?"
"The one you left us, obviously."
"Oh!" Eda stared directly at Lilith. "The one we left them!"
"Well, someone had to bury our bones!"
"Lulu! I got you a shirt!"

He throws up an orange t-shirt on her lap (to her disgust) that says "I was Sacrificed to the Grand Huntsman!", much to her and Eda's surprise.

Lilith reads the text on the shirt. "I was sacrificed to the Grand Huntsman?"
"What the—?"

"So... turns out King's letter was sent by a bunch of Titan Trappers. And they may have tried to sacrifice King to the Collector, who they worship."
"Oh, so you found of a commune of bloodthirsty fanatics in a place that was supposed to be empty!" Eda glares at Lilith.

"Well, they couldn't have been that scary without any titans to trap!"
"Actually..." Luz looks down at King.
"King... is a titan."
"Looks like I'm... due for a growth spurt soon... heh, heh."
Lilith and Eda's eyes widen and they gasp in shock.

King wraps a scarf around a snow bunny resembling Francois. Afterwards, King looks towards the scenery sadly. Seeing this, Hooty wraps himself around him to hug him.

"I can't believe that little guy is gonna turn into that big guy."
"Certainly explains his strange new powers. He's just dealing with so much. I wish there was a way we could give him some comfort."
"I can't believe this! All this time you've had a titan under your roof! I've eaten ice cream with a god!"

"Just because he has tall genes doesn't mean he's a god."
"And he falls into the toilet like once a day."
"Perhaps he's still too young. His powers haven't... awakened yet. But who knows how he can help us against Belos!"

"Don't worry Luz, we're not putting him in danger. He's a Clawthorne and technically your nephew, remember, dear sister?"
"Right, of course."
Lilith runs off. "I'm a god's aunt! But is he a gentle god or an angry god?"

"Seems she's really taking in this well."
"Please don't encourage it Phoenix." Eda glared at him as he shrugged.

"So? Fill me in! How are we gonna defeat Belos and his draining spell?"
"Uh, right. Well... it's a secret!"
Luz pouts hearing this.

"Just for now. I'll fill you in closer to go time!"
"Ah, so if I'm captured I can't give anything away! Smart thinkin', Owl Lady!"
King finishes building a snow bunny. "There! All done! Nice to meet you Fran-snow...ois."

The arm of the snow bunny slips off and he becomes dejected.

"Aw, King, let me help with that." Luz walks off and Lilith enters the area.

"What are you doing?! Tell her!"
"Tell her what? That we have no plan? That Belos is gonna win? That the Boiling Isles are doomed? The kids deserve one nice day before they realize how dire things are."
"I agree with you Eda, they've both just gone through a lot finding out what King was." Phoenix stood by the cave entrance with them seeing Luz make an ice arm using an ice glyph.

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