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Just like that. A strike was blown, slashing my neck to my torso. I'm not dying like this. Not again. A glowing sun like star glimmered to my right, I didn't know what it was but I had a feeling it would lead me to safety, oh how wrong I was-. I leapt to touch what seamed like a shine of hope, when in reality it trapped it me in an endless pit of darkness. The player watched me blankly as i dove for the "save point." Suddenly, I awoke in this void, completely ridded of light. I chuckled, "what kind of dark humour is this." I snickered to myself. I look up to see these huge words written in bold. "GAME OVER" it illustrates. "It must be a sick game." I thought. "The player did this." I so utterly desired. I waited and waited and waited. But nothing happened.

Why wasn't the player resetting? I want to go home. I want to see Paps. Time felt so slow, sleep couldn't even pass the time. Hours later? Minuets? Days? I can't tell here. Anyway, a bright screen levitated in front of me. Playing was.. my life. Standing there was me? But I'm right here? The same smile. The same blue jacket. I look back at mine, but I was met with shock. "My jacket... it was blue"

my jacket was completely devoid of colour, it being coloured as an enchanting white, similar to pale roses. However, my- paps scarf was still extravagantly full of a spider lily-like red. I have noticed, my wound continued to gush. It is not healing, Yet I am not getting worse? I should be dead. Dusted. This place is keeping me alive, maybe just maybe if I exit this place I can return to my timeline. So I search. Following the misleading path to freedom. It really was endless, no matter how far I run nor walk, I'm always surrounded by the same foreground. I look for anything to aid me in this escape in this sad excuse of a hell hole. But nothing happened.

It hurts.
My eye. Oh stars, it hurts. What's happening to me? My left eye, it's melting. Am I going to die? It feels like needles repeatedly stabbing me. Almost like I'm glitching. It doesn't surprise me. It's not like I'm anything but a pawn to the game. But. Am i even inside the game anymore? I'm not where I'm supposed to be.
I begin to pace. Whatever to pass the
Time. I walk, I scream,I destroy. But everything is the same. I'm caged.

What's the point?
I give up. There's no way out. No way home. My only escape is the sweet embrace of death. I lay there staring at the screen, playing the me of another timeline. It's fascinating how he's an exact copy of me. No-Not copy. He is me. I'm completely forgotten. Paps wouldn't notice, nobody would. I exhale, all the oxygen vanishes from my brittle bones. I reach for the once grey sky expecting a feeling only to experience the emptiness around me. I face Palm, holding back tears, I turn to my side and curl into a ball like a hedgehog. Silence had never been this loud nor has darkness ever been this bright. It stings my eyes.

After denial comes anger. I blame the player. I blamed anyone but myself. I attacked anything I could see. That only being the "GAME OVER" screen. But it was no use. I couldn't even fase it.
Sometimes, I hear paps in the distance. Calling my name. "SANS. SANS YOU LAZYBONES! GET UP!" I hear. It's truly agonising. You don't understand how much I want to hear his overly- confident voice again. I miss my brother. I miss grillby's. Heh, I never got to pay off that tab. I miss the chilling feeling of snow.
I think I'm going insane. On some days, I just sit there talking to myself. I swear voices talk to me. They say there the anons? They flood my skull with questions. I really am going mental. The echo's of my voice over flow back into my ear, it gifts me with an un bearing headache. It feels as if my skull is being split Into two.

It feels like years has passed. Nothing matters anymore, there is nothing to feel, no warmth, no sound. Death. I just want death to sweep me to the after life. I scream it. Nobody responds but a slight breeze. I twisted my neck to see midnight black feathers fall from the void. One places on to my hand. "Am I really seeing this right now or has the coconut finally cracked?" I mumble to myself. Faint breaths lurked behind me. "Is someone there?" I question. No one answered,I turn back.
"Of course." I whispered frustrated. I dig my head into my femur and sighed squeezing the black feather. I raise my head. "But-how did this get here?" Abruptly, heavy footsteps pointed my way.
I jolt to my feet. "I know your there! Just come out." I activate my magic, knife-like bones surrounding me accompanied with giant Gaster blasters. I freeze in a defensive stance ready for something, anything to appear.
Black wings Emerge from the shadows. An angelic skeleton? No- it had a strong sense of impurity within this entity. It's long dark robe withered before me, it's eyes as empty as this void. It's aura was terrifying yet..calming? Like someone's final moments. They was holding a Weapon, a Scythe?
As it finally reveals itself his first words was "heh. Tibia honest you was supposed to be dead ages ago." He then chuckled at his trash joke. Are you serious? A pun? I could help but flicker a laugh, I am a sans after all. He grins at me and crouches down from a distance. "Stars, how on earth did you end up back here?, no wonder I couldn't find you." I looked at him for a while, confused. "Find me?" I replied. "Yup. It's my job to find those who's times are up and guide them to the afterlife." My breath stopped as I looked at him. Can i finally die? "Are you going to take me?" His grin widened "well that is why I am here." He chuckles. I let my eyes rest in relief, this agonising loneliness will finally end. He stands up equipping his large scythe. "Is this going to hurt?" I ask, I'm just tired of all this pain. "Not at all." He says softly.  I bow my head and my arms go limp as I welcome death with open arms. I sit there with a smile for about 10 seconds. "Am I dead yet?" I ask. The grim reaper steps back in disbelieve. "What the hell." He said confused. So was I, shouldn't I be dead now? "Why are you not dying?!" He said in a quick breath. I felt my fist clench. Even THE grim reaper cannot end me. He sat back down and let out a big sigh. "Well- that's a first." He exaggerated. I looked away agitated burrowing my mouth in paps vibrant red scarf. I was surprised with a poke to my face. "Argh! Don't touch me!" I quickly turned to him with a glowing eye socket, his hands instantly was raised to the air. "Chill out, I was testing something out." He rolled his eye lights at me. I kissed my teeth. "Whatever." We sat in silence for a while until he broke it. " your the first mortal I've ever touched." He said calmly. "What?" I glanced at him and raised my head from the scarf. "Everyone and everything  I touch dies, it's the curse that comes with being a grim reaper."  In that moment I felt a source of remorse for this winged being. "Do you like your job?" I asked. It was replied with a moment of awkward silence. "Nah, I'd rather just sleep and laze around all the time." My eye sockets widen, that sounds familiar. "Who are you?"  He looks at me deeply with a slight smirk.

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