Chapter Twelve

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While we were walking back to class I asked Jookyung, "What happened after I left? Sooah seemed to be in a rush." She sighed, "When you left Heejung tried to chase after you but Suho pushed her back and left himself. She then targeted the rest of the group and even started insulting me and Sooah. Taehoon was mad and Seojun was trying to hold him back. But then Heejung tried to throw something at them so he let go of Taehoon and Sooah tried to calm them down. Eventually we left, she ran back and you'll have to ask her for the rest," she said. I blinked a couple times, "Wow, that is, a lot," I replied, not knowing how to react. "Yeah it was, that kick was awesome though where did you learn that?" Jookyung asked. "Suho and I trained together since we were young, it's taekwondo," I replied. Her smile faltered a bit but nodded. Soon we ended up at the classroom again. The first thing I noticed was Seojun sitting with his gang at the back of the class and Sooah sat with Taehoon at her desk. Suho was scrolling on his phone where my desk was.

When we walked in he looked up and smiled, patting my seat beside his. Jookyung went to Sooah while I sat down with Suho. He pulled out from the paper bag he was carrying earlier ointment and bandages. He gently took my hand and rested it on the table in front of him and started applying the ointment to it. It felt cool and he was very careful with applying it. He unrolled the bandage and loosely wrapped the area up. "Thanks Suho," I said after he was finished. "Anytime," he smiled warmly and placed everything back in the bag but pulled something else out. It was the canteen food stored inside takeaway containers. "Oh Suho not again," I said as he pulled out box by box containing the lunch. "You are not skipping a meal on my watch alright?" he said, taking an iced tea bottle out of his pocket along with a utensil pack. "Then eat with me, you skipped as well," I said taking a sip of tea. "If it gets you to eat then fine, let's share," he took out the utensils and we started eating the lunch together, laughing as he described the look on Heejung's face after I kicked her.

"Hey guys!" Sooah plopped herself at the desk in front and stared intently when Suho passed me the spoon full of rice. The silence was awkward even when Taehoon, Seojun and Jookyung came over so I said, "What happened when you ran back to the cafeteria Sooah?" "Oh my god. Taehoon was still really really mad and Seojun's gang tried to jump in. The students were chanting 'food fight' but I intervened and dragged everyone back here. I don't blame them though, I never wanted to pour soup on someone so bad before!" we all laughed when she finished her sentence. We chatted about camp until the bell rang. Suho and I threw away our containers then sat back down at our desks. I continued to sip on the iced tea throughout the last few classes. When the end of the day came the teacher reminded us about tomorrow's camping trip and everyone packed their bags and left. I left through the school gates with Sooah and Jookyung. Sooah went off in the opposite direction and Jookyung and I walked to the bus station, Suho tagging along silently behind us.

All three of us sat on the bench waiting for the bus, "I didn't know you took the bus Jookyung," I said, trying to make small talk. "Only sometimes when my sister is too busy at work," she said. I glanced at Suho who was scrolling on his phone again, not looking engaged in anything. The bus arrived eventually and we all hopped on, bowing to the driver. The bus was full again and there was only one seat left. Suho said I should sit down but Jookyung looked like she was about to fall asleep so I offered it to her. Suho held onto the bars above my head while I stood next to Jookyung. "Do you want to stop by the phone repair shop before heading home or are you too tired for that?" he asked gently. I pouted, "Seriously, you spent enough money on me today just let me pay." "Nope," "Please?" "Nope," he said chuckling at my reaction. I rolled my eyes and pushed him playfully. "You go home and pack for tomorrow you can give me your phone," he held out his hand. I pulled out my phone and gave it to him which he then placed in his pocket. "You have the spare keys to the house correct?" I nodded reassuringly.

I turned to Jookyung to see her fully asleep with her head sitting on her bag. I smiled and looked back at Suho. But I did a double take when I noticed a flash. The man that was sitting next to her had placed his phone under her skirt and took a photo. "Hey!" I yelled. The man jumped and quickly snatched his phone away. The whole bus looked in my direction confused. "Give me the phone you pervert!" Jookyung woke up at this which gave the man the chance to jump over her. The bus came to a stop at a station and the man ran off. Suho was about to follow him, "No I've got this," I said, and followed him instead. The man saw me and started running. I quickly ran after him, "Hey! Come back pervert!" the people around us were looking at the scene concerned and the bus was still driving next to us, people's faces pressed against the glass, including Suho and Jookyung. I swung off my bag and started using the running momentum to spin. Once I generated enough forced I let go of the bag. It flew through the air and hit the man right in the head.

He tripped which allowed me to run up and grab his phone. Everyone around us and in the bus cheered. I few officers came up and picked the man up, "Arrest this pervert! Here's his phone," the officers thanked me and the bus came to a halt. I jumped back on and everyone clapped and cheered. I smiled as Jookyung hugged my arm, "You're the best Soojin!" she sat back down on the seat. "Not bad Kang," Suho said. "Not bad? I would like to see what you would have done Lee," I replied. I stared at him for a bit before bursting out in laughter. He pat my head, mumbling 'cute' and told me to sit down on the new vacant seat. I talked to Jookyung for a while until she had to get off. She waved at me and thanked me again. Suho got off one stop early to get my phone fixed but before doing so turned to me, "Are you going to be alright?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. He smiled back and pinched my nose, "Get home safe!" he jumped off. I walked back to his house and unlocked the door. I was exhausted from running and threw myself onto the couch.

Eventually I got up and started packing for the camping trip. I wheeled my suitcase out and packed a pair of pajamas, clothes that could keep me warm as it could get cold up there and two jackets. I packed a few skincare and makeup items along with other toiletries such as soap and perfume. After placing a few more items inside I closed the suitcase. I grabbed my tote bag and placed in my headphone, a hand fan incase it gets hot during the day and a few snacks to share on the bus or in the cabins. Suho hadn't come home yet so I took a shower, changed then did my skincare. I was kind of hungry so I just made some cup noodles and watched TV. When I finished I threw everything away and washed the dishes then sat back on the couch, waiting for Suho to come back. Half an hour went by, then an hour but there was still no sign of him and it was starting to get late. I yawned and stretched, trying my best to stay awake. After another twenty minutes, my eyes started to close so I admitted defeat and laid down on the couch, drifting off to sleep.

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