Chapter Four

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Suho and I stepped off the bus and looked in front of us. Two cars had collided with each other and the owners were sitting on the ground while paramedics tended to their wounds. Police officers were questioning who I assumed was the guy who was speeding, one sniff would tell you he was wasted. The road was blocked off and there was a huge line of traffic behind our bus. "Thank god the bus driver stopped on time," I said to Suho as we walked past the accident. "We could have been seriously hurt today," he replied, "Speaking of which are you alright?" he added. I nodded, "Thanks for catching me there, could have face planted," I smiled and we both laughed.

Suho walked me home and told me he'll be back soon. I nervously walked through the doors to my house, taking a deep breath before inserting the house key. Father was sitting on the couch, watching the news, while mother was washing the dishes. I walked calmly towards the staircase, trying to keep my steps steady and balanced. Father completely ignored me, but mother spoke from the kitchen, "How was school today dear?" she asked. I sighed, "It was alright, someone was drunk driving today, the bus nearly crashed," I replied, heading quickly for the stairs. "Well we're glad you're alright," she said, and went back to cleaning, without asking any follow up questions.

I went up the stairs and into my room. As I shut the door, I exhaled deeply. Now that that was over with, I could start getting ready. I took a hot shower to wash away my worries and dried my hair thoroughly with the hair dryer. I rummaged through my closet and put on a light blue, cropped, puff sleeve blouse and white, high waisted, pleated pants. I slipped on light blue ankle strap heels and sat down at my dressing table. I placed hair rollers in my hair and worked on my makeup. I cleansed my face and applied moisturiser before adding skin tint, light pink eyeshadow, silver liquid eye glitter, pink cream blush and pink lip tint.

Afterwards I took out my hair rollers and gently brushed through with my fingers before adding a pearl barrette. I put on pearl bow earrings, a pearl necklace and a pearl bracelet Suho gifted me for my birthday last year. I picked out a light blue crossbody bag and sprayed on a simple vanilla perfume. I checked the time on my phone and decided to wait for Suho outside. I walked down the stairs and headed for the door when my father spoke from couch, "Where do you think you're going?" he said, not glancing once at me. I stopped, "Just going out to eat with my friends," I tried to slowly continue taking steps towards the door. "Did you study in school today?" he asked, finally turning to look at me.

I shook my head, "I didn't get the chance," I mustered up the courage to look at my father, who was fuming. "Well then, why don't you go up to your room, get changed and make up for the time you lost," he said angrily, getting up and walking over to me. I inhaled and exhaled, "I don't think I will do that father," I held my chin up slightly, hoping that I looked braver than I felt. My father burst with anger, "Go to your room now! I will not allow laziness in my house!" he yelled. I heard mother drop something behind me but I forced myself to not turn away. "I'm going out with my friends, father, I can study some other god damn time!" I yelled back before I could stop myself. My father's hand once again made contact with my face, this time, with much more force.

I gingerly touched the area. He lifted his hand to strike again but I walked off before he could. I stomped up the stairs and slammed the door to my room. I opened the suitcase that laid under my bed and started throwing things inside. Clothes, uniform, makeup, school supplies, accessories, gifts. I snatched up my tote bag and started stuffing whatever I could fit inside and hauled everything downstairs. I angrily walked to the door and forced it open, tears welding in my eyes once again. I heard mother trying to call me back in desperation but father stopped her, "Leave her, she'll come back eventually, she has nowhere to go. One day she'll realise we're doing this for her future," he said without a hint of remorse.

I slammed the door and walked out to the front of the house. I just broke down. I cried and I could barely breathe. I took out my phone and with shaking hands, called Suho. After two rings he picked up, "Hey Soojin, I'm almost ready I'm just leaving the house, I'll come by soon," he said happily. I tried to steady my breath so he couldn't hear my sobs, but I couldn't hold on. "Soojin are you alright?" I heard him start to speed up a bit in the background. "It's father, he tried to stop me from going out and he hit me again. I didn't know what to do I just packed my stuff and left but now I have nowhere to go," my breathing got faster and tears started dripping on the pavement. "I'm coming right now, just hang tight Soojin," he said, while the wind whipped around him, "Do you want me to stay on the line?" he asked. I took some deep breaths and spoke again, "No it's alright. Just, please come," I replied. "Don't worry," he began gently, "I'll be there for you," and he hung up.

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