Outlaw Country

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Time travel is real and all of history is vulnerable to the attack which is why we meowst travel through time to stop the spread of these so-called time aberrations and erase their damage to history. We are a team of outcasts and meowsfits, So please don't call us heroes. We're something else, we're Legends.


"What is this with bad guys and ancient amulets" "Any idea why Darkh wants this?" "All I know it's never a good idea when your nemesis starts accessorizing" "And now he's teamed up with a speedster"

"What's a speedster?" asked Amaya, unfamiliar with the term.

"Someone with superspeed, that's how Dhark escaped"

"The energy of the-.............-Manipulation" I tuned out the professor's explanation, I never understood those anyway, too many big human words.

"English, professor" Mick grumbled.

"It means that his running real fast, lets him time travel" Sara summarized for him. Sara then divided work between the team, assigning each of them tasks. I sat under the table until Amaya scooped me up and brought me to the library with Nate.


"Historically it does not exist, Well I can't find a reference of it anywhere" Nate explained, gesturing towards the mysterious trinket among them.

"Well this is right in front of us I'd say it does exist." said Sara matter of factly.

"And we know Damien and the speedster are willing to kill for it" Ray added.

"Well looks like you got some more homework to do"

Tuning out the rest of the conversation I hopped up on to the table and observed the amulet my humans had been discussing about. When I saw it I froze, recognising the amulet. Why is it here? I pawed at it, and took it into my muzzle. "No Tama, that's not a toy" exclaimed Ray, I growled and dropped the amulet on a piece of paper with 'Spear' written on it. I tippy tapped my toes on the paper but alas the humans did not understand me, "Bad Tama, no treats for you today" Sara scolded me and I whimper at the thought of no treats

*Alarm* Oh yes! Saved by the aberration. "Oooh what's the trouble alert say" Ray chirped.

"I told you not to call it that" Nate huffed, "The time quake's epicenter is liberty, colorado, 1874"

"Hah! back to the wild West we go!" Ray exclaimed.


"Well aren't you the cutest little fluffy thing?" Amaya cooed, fastening the little cowboy hat gideon fabricated. I sat on the back of Amaya's saddle as we trotted into the wild West. *Yeeeehaaaa* we heard from a distance "Looks like a commotion of some-kind" Amaya deduced, "Hold back, let's get a better look" Sara ordered.

We got off of the horse and I hopped onto Sara's shoulder hiding my body in her hair, only poking out my head to observe our surroundings.

We walked closer to see a hanging of some sort "Wait, is that Hex?" Sara said in a shocked tone, "You know that man?" Amaya asked "we gotta help him" Said Sara "Yeah but we gotta take his crew out first, they look armed" Jax said

"Don't worry guys, I got this" Nate said as he hastily charged forward. The cowboys started shooting at him, he steeled up and deflected all of their bullets.

The horse keeping hex alive startled from the shooting and ran off, Sara accurately shot her gun and broke the rope that's strangling this Mr Hex.


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