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Time travel is real and all of history is vulnerable to the attack which is why we meowst travel through time to stop the spread of these so-called time aberrations and erase their damage to history. We are a team of outcasts and meowsfits, So please don't call us heroes. We're something else, we're Legends.

I laid on Sara's lap as she piloted the ship, purring pleasantly as she petted me.

"Cmon grey" I heard Jax exclaim, the two engrossed in an argument somewhere behind us.

"Sara, come on, you can't be Switzerland on this one" Jax huffed.

"In my heart I'm with you, but it's not what Rip entrusted us to do. Our job is to protect history" Sara answered.

"You mean clean it up after somebody else makes a mess of it, Time janitors. That's all we are" Jax said, annoyed

.Sara shook her head and went back to piloting, and I curled myself into a ball before falling asleep in Sara's lap.


"Where is it coming from?" Sara questioned when the aberration alarm sounded.

"Washington D.C., December 7, 1987. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue" replied Nate as he continued on with facts on the time period.

I tuned out most of the conversation as I licked my paws and cleaned myself. "-great while the rest of us break into one of the most secure place in the country" I caught the last of Sara's sentence before she walked away from the group.


I followed Amaya and Nate as they made their way to JSA's training facility. We arrived in front of a big plain white building, "Prepare to see the most elite training facility in all of history" Amaya declared before dramatically opening the door to reveal... an empty building, with crumbling walls, full of broken equipment and dust.

Is this what humans call elite?

Nate seemed to agree with me, "Maybe elite means something different in 1987?" He said.

We looked around for more clues pertaining to the fall of JSA. I sat down on the table as Nate and Amaya looked through case files and stacks of papers.

Suddenly, everything went dark, I was able to see just fine with my eyes, but not so much my human companions. Dark shadow of a being moved between the beams above, Amaya activated her powers, spotting the same shadow moving fluidly around us. The dark shadow charged at Nate, I leaped from the table to knock Nate out of the way, landing gracefully on the floor. "Why did you abandon us?!" The shadow screeched. An old man emerged from the dark cloud, before he could finish however, Nate knocked the old man out with a dumbbell.


"Do you think I killed him? I hope I didn't kill him" whispered Nate "Oh my god I just ki-" He exclaimed in panic "Ow" He whined. *Meow* I smacked him softly to stop his rambling.

"Thank you, Tama, also why are you whispering" asked Amaya

"Just in case he is not dead, he could use a nap" replied Nate, still whispering.

"I'm not an invalid, just old" The old man spoke up, mildly offended by the Historian. "And haven't aged a day" He turned to marvel at his former teammate.

"It's one of the few benefits of time travel," Amaya chuckled.

"So you left us to join the lovable losers"

"I was trying to find rex's killer"

"And you never thought to tell me?"

The human continued to converse while I left to go explore the abandoned compound. My ears flattened as I stalked my unsuspecting prey, deciding to fill my time with hunting the delicious looking rat scampering around the compound.

"Nate, Amaya, report back to the waverider" I heard Sara over the comms, *Meow* I meowed over to Nate and Amaya as I walked away and back towards the waverider, 2 large rats now proudly clutched in my muzzle.


I was eating my dinner over by the cockpit when I saw Sara walk away from the team, looking sullen. I looked down for a moment before deciding to follow the human out of worry.

*Meow* I meowed loudly to announce my presence as I walked closer to Sara. Delicately placing down the spoils of my hunt by her feet. *Meow* Look Sara, I hunt! Was gonna be my dinner, but you can have some too.

She looked up from her bed, grimacing when she spotted the dead rat by her floor. The captain quickly wiped the tears off her face, "*Sniff* so sweet of you to share your hunt with me" She cooed. I mewed softly, I could tell that the human had been crying. Sara smiled before picking me up into her arms.

Are you okay Sara? I put my paws on her face and nuzzled, Sara chuckled and scratched my ear. "I see you've come to cheer me up"

*Meow* I did. "Sometimes I wondered if you can actually understand us, you're way too smart for a cat" *Meow* I can understand you

"Oh who am I kidding you're just a cat, a very adorable fluffy cat that is"


Everyone was dressed fancily when we strutted into the white house, I even got a bow tie!

I hid under a table cloth, so many delicious smelling foods went past my hiding spot. I almost want to go out and stea- no! Focus Tama, we are here on a mission. "Sara, Dhark is in the hallway" I heard over comms .

"Mick, Ray, guard the exits. Everybody else, get ready to move" Sara commanded.


"Now that our government are waging peace upstairs, what do you say we get down to the real business?" Darkh announced to his shady business partners.

"You have brought us the codes?"
"It's called a cd-rom the latest in defense Department technology, as for my half of the exchange?"

The guy in the suit pulled out a small black box.

"Hand over the box" Sara exclaimed loudly, crashing their meeting "and the kickass cd-rom" Nate continued.

Damien informed the team of the bomb he planted in the white house before shooting the guy he was making a deal with. That resulted in a big fight breaking out.

I quickly joined the fight. Scratching, kicking and biting anything my little body can get its claws in.

"Wha-What the hell is this cat!" One of the goons shouted. Your worst nightmare! I hissed at him as I continued to scratch and bite the human.

Once I was done with my prey, I looked around to see Sara fighting a big man, she punched and knocked him down with power and efficiency. Truly a fitting master for a cat such as I.

Sara then confronted Darkh, pushing him back with just her words. I couldn't hear what they were talking about, too preoccupied with mauling the last of Darkh's goons.

Suddenly, a flash of red streak went past me. Taking Damian dirt face with him, I sprinted over to Sara and sat beside her feet.

"I swiped it off him" I can hear the triumph in her voice when she held up the trinket in her hand. I licked my blood stained paw, I think it is safe to say that this mission was a success.


Tama Or Tomorrow  | RewrittenWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu