First day

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Alexis POV
Momm!! I need a towel I screamed at the top of my lungs .  Mom! Are you still home? Wow she left again without telling me . My moms Job Requires to travel a lot . Shart It's already 8:02 and school starts at 8:10 i put my sweatshirt and shorts on and hopped down the stairs while putting my socks on and buttoned my Jean shorts up. While I rushed through my apartment door.

There we go again I'm late on the first day of school . As I walked into first period class thinking really English first period. A deep blood curdling voice interrupted my thought

Mr . tutwiler POV
Hello  miss Alexis you are late on the first day of of school you get lunch detention  for a week now go sit he yelled as he scratched the chalk against the chalkboard

GREAT ! I have detention I'm l ate on the first day of school  and my teacher is middle aged man and he wears  converse with baby dinosaurs on them and looks gay as fuck .

Sir may I go to the bathroom please I asked. He abruptly replied be back in 5 minutes . I walked down the hallway talking a right to the bathroom I walked into a stall and did what I had to do ( let's not go into details and keep it simple ) and boy did it the bathroom stall stink. never again I thought to myself  I walked to the sink to wash my hands . As I looked up at the mirror  to check if I looked alright. my heart began beating faster than ever before.

I saw lots of blood everywhere even on my hands legs and face when I looked in the mirror again I saw a shadow of a tall man behind me with a gun I couldn't clearly see the tall man's face. but I saw this girl she looked my age . Right there on the spot he shot her through the head as I heard loud bloody death screams. and before she fully died . crying in pain she wrote the number 802 on the wall with her own bloody hands. it looked like she had been stabbed a few times in her back before she was shot to her death

Alexis ! Alexis !! WAKE UP!!! Jesus Christ Finally. you woke up I thought you might have died. I'm Emily your senior but we can still be friends Ik we seniors can be a little mean

She died bbb blood on the wall he shot her the tall man CaLL the pOLice Emma I mean Emily

Excuse me excuse me the actual f are you talking about

Wait what I'm sorry I just saw that happened with my own eyes see there's blood everywhere what no I swear it was there

Kid you just passed out and I saved you now be grateful. you probably are mcraycray now get to the nurses office with me cuz I ain't going back to class

After all that on the first day of school I need a good cup of coffee. mom! can we go to Starbucks please . Oh right I'm alone at home WITH the CARRR!! Let's go man . I hopped into the car and made my way to the drive thru Starbucks.

The lady asked me what would you like but I was just not present to Answer I'm sorry  I zoned out .  I couldn't stop thinking about  what happened in the bathroom.
I got back home and plopped myself on the bed and fell asleep for 2 hours straight and a voice
woke me up it whispered 802 802 and it said something like wait stop. It sounded like a young female

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