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Today..was the day to capture el sin nombre without making mistakes and not letting el sin nombre escape, I got change into my usual clothes and I walk out my room Alejandro walks towards me "Buenos dias hermosa" he said sweetly kissing my cheek "morning mi chulo"I said smiling at him as I talk to Alejandro I see graves looking at me smirking I was disgusted of what he did to me, "blanquita are you okay?" Alejandro ask me raising a eyebrow I nodded "yeah yeah"

Behind the name blanquita Alejandro met Cleo when they were kids and as they grow up together with rudy at elementary there was childhood memory that Alejandro couldn't forget Cleo skin color was pale until when they all had a school trip to the beach but when they went back home after the trip cleo skin turn tan because she forgot to put sunscreen that's when Alejandro wanted to call her blanquita.

Back to the present day..

"Ale lets go now I bet Rudy is waiting for us" I said while running towards the truck "okay okay I'm coming Amor" Alejandro said while chuckling we got in the truck Alejandro sat at the front seat I sat in middle of ghost and soap but I kept thinking about what graves done to me I didn't deserve it I hated him so much but I had to forget about it at the same time I couldn't stop thinking about it anyways, as Rudy drove we got to the location where else sin nombre was we hide behind the woods as I stay behind a tree using my sniper to look close.

Alejandro was next to my tree he was protecting me that was sweet but I had to focus I see someone driving up the mansion where el sin nombre was, we all gather around to make the plan before entering "we should let someone enter the mansion-" graves said but soap cut his sentence off "I'll do it we need to stop this nonsense and stop el sin nombre so I volunteer to enter" soap said confidently I was worried bout soap his my best friend forever I don't him to die or something happen to him "tienes huevos soap" Alejandro said with a smirk, ghost rolled his eyes he wanted to get this done "just do it soap but be careful" ghost said "ouou lalala that's so gay, gay moment" I said teasing soap and ghost they both glare at me so I stopped laughing and clear my throat "anyways I'll go with Alejandro-" I said but he cut off my sentence "no you won't I don't you getting in danger or getting shot" Alejandro said he was pretty worried about me and I just didn't care I mean I did but this is a mission there's no time for getting worried  "ale this is a mission just let me go with you please?" I ask him with puppy eyes, he sigh "fine but don't get hurt" Alejandro said as he kissed my cheek

To be continued..

I will fight our love /Alejandro Vargas cod x F! Reader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat