"You look like you've been crying" Jake says rubbing his thumb over my cheek.

"Kirby's going on a date with Charlie" I say looking up to him.

"what the hell weren't you guys supposed to be going on a date?" He asks looking over to Kirby who's waiting by the door with liv for Jill.

"She said she'd let me know by today, I guess that was her way of letting me down." I say looking down at my disgusting lunch food.

"Awww cheer up sis, you deserve someone who likes you for all of you, someone you don't have to fight for" my twin brother assures me.

I look over to the door to check on Kirby when the girl I bumped into earlier walks in and without thinking, I wave her over to come sit with us. She smiles making her way over dropping her bag on the floor sitting down next to me.

"Jake, this is Sam, I knocked her books out her hand earlier when I bumped into her, Sam this is my twin brother Jake" I introduced the pair.

"Nice to meet you" Sam says smiling and I can feel my heart skip a beat at the beautiful sight. Woah she has a really nice smile.

"You too, sorry about my clumsy sister, she can never watch where she's going" Jake responds laughing with our newfound friend.

As the rest of the group joins the table I introduce Sam to them and they all fall into conversation with the younger girl.

I glance over at Kirby only to see her already looking at me. I furrow my eyebrows to which she just nods her head towards the bathroom.

Getting up I follow Kirby hoping she'd give me an explanation as to why she's going on a date with Charlie when I asked her at the beginning of this week.

After checking that the bathrooms clear she locks the door and turns to lean against it facing me.

"Sooo" I start off looking anywhere but Kirby's piercing gaze locked onto my every move. "Jc I'm scared" she interrupts before I can open my mouth to say anything else.

"Scared of what?" I question finally looking over at her to see if I can find answers on her face, in her body language, what the hell are you afraid of ?

"Us." She answers holding on to the door as if at any moment she's gonna run out. 

"Kirby there is no us you just made that very clear." I state folding my arms across my chest.

"No Jc, really just hear me out, this-" she motions between us "it's all very new to me, I've never felt this way towards a girl before especially not my best friends little sister."

"We're only a year apart Kirby... and im much bigger than her" I smirk walking up to Kirby with whatever newfound confidence just came through.

"And are you admitting to feeling something between us" I ask when I finally reach her placing my hand on the side of her neck lifting her head a bit to meet my eyes.

"Of course there's something between us Jc, I just- oh my god" she cuts herself off slipping away from me with her hands on her head.

"You just what Kirby?" I ask softly pulling her right back into the position she was just in, my hand right back in its space of the nape of her neck.

She slams her lips onto mine, and it catches me by surprise at first until I realize this is what I've been waiting for my entire life, I push her back against the door, tightening my grip around her neck just a bit giving me a moan from her exactly enough for me to slip my tongue in.

She tries to fight me for dominance which obviously fails, and since she has never seen this side of me I'm more than willing to show her who's gonna be top in this relationship... if we get to that point.

Kirby lightly starts pushing me away and I break the kiss but not before grabbing her bottom lip between my teeth releasing it with a pop. Slowly opening her eyes to look up at me breathlessly she just stares at me.

"Think about that on your date with Charlie tonight okay." I say leaning past her to unlock the door leaving her stunned.

"Hey where'd you two go?" My brother asks as I sit back down. I look back to see Kirby walking over trying to hide how red her entire face is.

"Oh kirbster and I had a little talk about her date tonight, isn't that right." I tease placing my hand over her thigh when she sits down next to me, making her slam her knee under the table.

"What the hell?" Jill questions looking over at the both of us, an unreadable expression on her face.

"No what the hell you Jill? You knew I wanted to take Kirby out why the hell did you let her agree to date Charlie." I say getting up grabbing Sam with me so we can head out. We only have 1 class left for school but I can't stay here.

"Uhhh where are we going" Sam asks nervously.

"I know a place cmon" I say leading her through the football field to the forest until she stops me.

"Hey aren't those stupid ghostface killings going on right now. How do I know you're not trying to lure me here to kill me."

"If they're so stupid why are you afraid I'm gonna kill you... "Cmon I promise I'm not a killer, I always come here when I need to clear my mind." I tell her holding out my hand.

She grabs it allowing me to lead her down the path I have etched inside my memory now.

Leading her through a bunch of hanging vines we walk into a beautiful cave system with an amazing waterfall, a bunch of cool different looking rocks and the bluest water you've ever seen.

"Wow! How did you find this place?" Sam questions looking over to me with excitement making my heart smile.

"I ran away a lot my freshman year, my family never really wanted me around much" I tell the younger girl, the light shining from the water illuminating on her face showing all of her beautiful features.

"So you and Kirby huh?" She asks looking down at the water with an unreadable expression.

"Ahhh I don't know, I mean I've been trying to win her over for two years now and when she find gives me a chance she changes her mind last second and goes for that stupid cinema guy." I declaim. Sam taking in and locking on to every word that comes from my mouth

Why the hell am I telling her all of this? I don't know but I feel like I can tell her anything.

Sam also opened up to me, she told me everything that's happened to her in the past year, which led me to finding out her father was Billy loomis... the same guy who tried to kill my cousin.

I didn't keep that from her though I told her I was related to Sydney. Hey maybe that's why I feel connected to her, my cousin and her father were in love.

"I've got the perfect thing for this" She tells me leaning over grabbing a bag of weed and joint papers asking if I wanted to smoke.

Now I bet everyone probably thought I've done this before but I completely haven't. A freshman is getting me high for the first time.

I have a small mental debate before grabbing the joint from Sam taking a long puff, coughing when the smoke hits my throat.

Once I gain my composure I look to Sam with an amused look on her face as I feel the high rush through my entire body instantly relaxing me.

I definitely need to do this more often.

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