Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust

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The next morning Gomez and Morticia woke to the sound of Grandma screaming. Not her usual crazy happy scream but one of bloody murder, what was worse it was coming from Harmony's room.

Grandma ran out of Harmony's room and slammed the door. "Stay back! She's very sick."

Being the concerned parents they are they ignored her warnings and looking inside.

Harmony's skin was a bright red and her fangs were extra long and sharp as fire surrounded her and everything she touched melted or became ash.

"My baby." Morticia cried as Gomez fainted.

Grandma looked through all of her spell books to see what is wrong.

"Is she possessed?" Gomez asked when he and Morticia joined her with Lurch.

"Here it is." Grandma pointed as she silently read through it.

"Mama what is it?" Morticia cried.

"Harmony's power is caused by emotion such rage or sadness is causing her powers to control her instead of her being in control."

"Rage and sadness?" Gomez gasped.

"Fester." Morticia said.

"Bingo!" Grandma shouted. "Harmony knows that something is not right around here, unless her emotions get controlled we're talking chances of her becoming nothing but a bomb and less of a person."

"Less?" Gomez gasped.

"She could be burned out for years or forever."

"Burned out?" Gomez panicked. "I won't listen!"

"Forever comatose."

"Mama stop." Morticia begged.

"Unable to die."

Even Lurch's face became pained.

Gomez fell to his knees. "Please! I beg you. Take me!"

Morticia went to Harmony's room and sat outside the door telling stories hoping to calm Harmony down. "Aren't you enjoying this my tiny raven?" Instead Morticia saw another bright light coming from under the door. "I guess not, how about the story of the rose with the poison thorns?"

Grandma then ran over to her and said in the quietest whisper she could so Harmony wouldn't hear and get even more upset. "It's Gomez."

Morticia followed Grandma to see Gomez was in bed looking off at the ceiling.

Morticia watched sadly. "My baby is ill and my husband is dying. Mama, what shall I do?"

"Well you have a black dress." Grandma replied.

"Gomez!" Fester shouted as he entered the room.

"Fester!" Morticia and Grandma smiled.

"Fester? Where is Fester?" Gomez cried.

"It's me Gomez." Fester said as he got on his knees. "I tried to be someone I'm not. I live in shame and the suburbs."

"But you belong to Debbie. You're Debbie's love toy, you are Mr. Debbie!"

"I am an Addams!"

Hearing that Gomez was back to his normal self. "Fester!"

"Uncle Fester!" Pugsley ran in.

Wednesday glared at their parents. "You sent us to camp. They made us sing."

"My own dear family." Fester said as he hugged them. "Where's Harmony?"

"In-laws!" Debbie shouted as she came in with a loaded gun.

Harmony's door finally gave away as she stomped out in full flame destroying everything in her path either by burning it or crushing it with either her hands or her fangs. Thinking she could maybe destroy something in the playroom like her siblings she walked in to see her whole family all strapped to an electric chair and Debbie flipping the switch.

Harmony grinned as she walked over back to her normal beautiful blue. "Hey Debbie."

Debbie turned and saw Harmony holding the wires.

"You were a horrible aunt, and an even worse nanny." Harmony then connects wires together causing the current to reverse and electrocute Debbie instead.

All the Addams watched in glee as Debbie sparked and turned to dust. All that was left was her shoes and a few credit cards.

"Thanks for showing me how to do that Pugsley." Harmony grinned before she snapped her fingers twice and all the family members were free. 

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