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The family ended up in a small and cheap motel. Thing was trying to rub Gomez's head who has now just a shell of a man. The once most energetic Addams was now stuck in a chair and refuses to get up.

"Yes we have been forced from out home, yes we have been betrayed by those we trusted but we are Addams and we will not submit. Who recalls the fable of The Tortoise and the Hare? The swift yet lazy little cottontail and his slow but determined companion? What does this story teach us?" Morticia asked.

"Kill the hare!" Grandma declared. "Skin it! Boil it!"

"Put the tortoise on the highway." Wednesday said.

"During rush hour." Pugsley added.

"Yes. We will survive." Morticia agreed. "Poison us, strangle us, break out bones, we will come back for more. And why?"

"Because we like it!" Grandma said.

"Because we're Addams!" Pugsley cheered.

"We're Addams." Gomez mumbled.

Everyone except Gomez was trying to make some money. Morticia and even Thing got a job. The kids were making lemonade which wasn't selling since it was made out of poison and Grandma started hunting animals for food.

Gomez and Harmony were just watching tv all day.

"Why don't we go driving?" Harmony suggested.

"And miss Gilligan?" Gomez mumbled as he munched on a bag of chips.

When everyone fell asleep Morticia snuck out of the motel unaware Thing was following her. Later Thing came back knocking on the door waking up Gomez and Harmony.

"Who is it? We're paid through Thursday." Gomez mumbled.

Harmony yawned and opened the door only to have Thing jump up on her and trying to tell her Morticia was in trouble.

Harmony looked over to see her mom is gone. "I think he's trying to say mummy is in trouble."

That snapped Gomez out of his depression and quickly got up. Since Harmony and Gomez were the only ones awake they drove back to the mansion where Gate welcomed them by flying open.

"Missed you Gate." Harmony told him before the two looked into the window to see Morticia was tied up and about to get stabbed with red hot pokers. Gomez got his strength back and jumped right into through the closed window.

Since Harmony can't jump that high she just went through the door to see Tully and Gomez sword fighting. Gomez was about to win the fight but Greta grabbed Harmony and held a gun to her head. "Let him up."

Gomez and Morticia both froze at the sight worried.

"That's right." Greta said. "Now get moving Addams, get to the vault and if you're not back in one hour I displace her."

"Please no." Morticia begged softly.

Gomez glared not keeping his eyes off his youngest child as he slowly made his way to the bookcase that will lead him to the vault.

"Mother." Fester suddenly said.

"Can it Gordon!" Greta snapped.

"His name is Fester Addams!" Harmony screamed before she kicked Greta so hard she went flying and landed on the pokers by the fireplace making them fly into the air.

"NO!" Gomez and Morticia screamed as one went right for Harmony but she caught it right by the white tip.

"Darling?" Morticia said amazed as Harmony was screaming in pain or even putting it down. In fact she was holding it tighter.

"It feels... good." Harmony said softly gripping it tighter.

"Gordon! Stop her!" Greta demanded.

Harmony turned to Fester and looked him deeper into the eyes to see Fester was breaking through the fog. "You are Fester Addams."

Fester stared more into his eyes and he realized she was right.

"No tricks Gomez." Fester turned to him. "That's the wrong book... Allow me." Fester said grabbed a book called 'Hurricane Irene'.

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