"How was he, P?" Jay asked him.

"He was good." Pierre chuckled. "That's my dawg. We be chilling."

"I appreciate you." B smiled and told him to come and meet his niece. He made sure to clean his hands before picking her up. He complimented her on how adorable she was and told her that he was going to be her favorite uncle before placing her back into B's arms.

"Come here, JJ." B called. Jay helped him up onto the bed and he crawled closer to his mother.

"Look." B said looking down at Blue. "It's your little sister, Blue." She explained to him.

"Little sister?" He repeated, feeling a little bit confused.

"You're going to grow up and protect her." Jay added. "She's going to be your best friend and y'all are going to look out for each other. Y'all can play together, eat together, go to school together, and grow up together."

JJ displayed a grin and began to nod. That all sounded fun to him. He probably didn't even realize how much he'd wanted a sibling to play with. "You're going to be a great big brother." B told him followed by a kiss on his forehead.

After three days of visits from their friends, tests, monitoring, and anything else they needed, the Carters were ready to be discharged. They were so happy to be going home and welcoming their fresh baby to their fortress.

JJ felt some sort of happiness to have a baby around. He had just recently turned two, so he didn't fully understand the concept of their family growing, but he was displaying signs of excitement. JJ smiled and held his arms out. "I hold the baby." He kept a smile on his face as Jay pulled him into his lap.

"You have to be very careful, Jay. She's fragile and we don't want her to get hurt. She's not big enough for you to play with her yet." B reminded him. JJ nodded his head. B handed Blue over to Jay who made sure to assist JJ in supporting her neck.

"Hi, Blue Blue." JJ widely grinned. B and Jay both laughed at his simple greeting, although it was insanely precious. B grabbed her phone to take some photos of one of their first interactions. She vowed to be a mom that took a lot of pictures. She wanted her kids to look back when they were grown and see themselves grow up. He leaned in to give her a hug and it made them nervous, but they allowed him to express his newfound love to his sister, just being sure to protect her in the process.

They gushed as they watched the way JJ interacted with his baby sister. He seemed so fascinated, yet he was being so gentle. Blue had even begun to fall asleep in his arms. "Let me put her to bed, JJ." B said reaching for Blue. "You're doing such a good job being gentle, baby. I'm really proud of you." She smiled. "Say 'good night' to Blue." JJ smiled and bid her a good night. B kissed him and again thanked him for being so sweet and gentle with her.

B walked Blue to her bassinet and hoped that she decided to stay asleep for a while because it was getting late and she was extremely tired herself. Thankfully, Blue stayed asleep and B took that as her time to take her clothes off and get into her night mode. 

B sat on the bed and swung her feet around gently as she got fully inside. Her abdomen was still hurting and she was beyond tired. "You okay?" Jay asked as he had just come back from putting JJ in his bed. He glanced over at Blue who was sleeping in her bassinet next to their bed and smiled.

"I'm okay." B said. "I'm just sore and tired as hell."

"Go ahead and go to sleep, baby." He told her. "I'll finish everything up downstairs, then come back and hold you." He said referring to doing the dishes and cleaning up. They were really good with teaching JJ to clean up after himself and put his toys away, but there was always something else to clean behind him, like the mess he always left after eating.

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