In forth year, he and Evan got into a hurrendous fight while walking that same cobblestone path.

It was in the spring of their forth year, on one of the last Hogsmeade weekends of the term. Because the castle was filled with Durmstrangs and Beauxbatons, they had all walked together, trailing with old friends and new acquaintances alike. Draco, Pansy, Theo, Blaise, Onyx, and Evan walked alone but together, several yards behind the mass group of students.

Draco had just learned, from Theodore of course, that Evan had shagged Cedric Diggory.

By then, the Yule Ball had came and went. And Draco was starting to think about her, dwelling on her. He was starting to form his hate list, listing her shortcomings off over and over again so that he would stop thinking about her in that bloody black dress. Or of Blaise shagging her in that dress.

He was at a point where his denial outweighed his speculations. But when he heard about her and Diggory, he snapped.

As they had entered Hogsmede, they were talking about the Triwizard Tournament, placing bets on who would win it all. Theo was betting on Fleur, only because he thought she was hot. Blaise and Onyx bet on Potter because he was tied for first place. Pansy had a mild crush on Krum, so she was betting on him. Evangeline, though, was arguing good-naturedly with the others as they walked up a steep hill. Evan thought that Diggory would win.

"Oh, you think so?" fourteen year old Onyx had asked, laughing as if it were ridiculous. "Potter's tied with him, and he's our age. Cedric's a seventh year and he's barely in the lead."

Evangeline shrugged, then casually praised Cedric, a soft blush rising on her cheeks. Fourteen-year-old Draco squinted at her through the bright airy sunlight, then jerked his eyes away.

"But he is in the lead," Evan had said. "And he's quite clever, really."

"Clever? Clearly not, if he likes to stick his dick in mud."

Draco had chuckled at his own joke, but when he looked around at his friends, they were staring at him in varying degrees of shock, anger, and annoyance.

Evangeline had, with no hesitation, removed her wand and sent a stinging jinx at Draco, slapping it onto his face like a backhanded strike.

They erupted into a rapid duel, fighting outside of the main stretch of Hogsmede shops. Draco was throwing hurtful curses at her, and she was jinxing him over and over again, hardly missing a single time. They were screaming insults at each other and blowing holes in the cobblestone. Onyx and Pansy dove out of the way and Theo and Blaise were yelling at them to stop, screaming from the sidelines. Theo tried to pull Draco away, to hold him back, but Draco just shoved the motherfucker off and kept attacking. Evangeline's face burned a hateful red, a stinging jinx of his making blooming welts onto her cheek.

Madam Rosmserta tore out of the Three Broomsticks and broke the brawl up. Evan stormed back to the castle, yelling at their other friends for not defending her.

"Oh yes, run along! Go be a whore to your precious gutter rat!" Draco had screamed after her, his face swelling. Blaise grabbed onto his arm, punching his wand out of his hand and onto the pavement.

Evan had turned back, looking at him. Draco barely recognized her through the injuries swelling around her eyes. He spat blood out onto the cobblestone. Evan hadn't looked angry anymore—she had suddenly looked so very sad, her eyes welled up in tears that she refused to let fall. Her face was covered in stings, a smudge of blood on her bottom lip. She turned around and kept walking, hand covering her mouth.

After the duel, they didn't speak. Not a single word—for the rest of that year and well into the next.

Draco scowled at the memory, tearing his eyes away from the Hogsmeade trail. He twisted his Slytherin ring, leaning his hands onto the rail of Ravenclaw Tower. He stared at the ring, pulling it gently off of his finger.

Babygirl (SEQUEL to Fuckboy - Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now