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Welcome to Grand Interviews, wherein we will get to know more about our Best Author and Best Designer and their works!

Let's start with the Best Author, shall we?

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Best Author :: Ablazeisaleo

1. How do you feel upon winning the Best Author award with your book 'Dungeon'?
- I was absolutely thrilled and deeply honoured upon learning that my book 'Dungeon' had been awarded the prestigious title of Best Author. The news came as an unexpected and delightful surprise, coinciding with my return from a rejuvenating holiday break. The competition was notably fierce, featuring an array of exceptionally talented authors, some of whom I have the privilege of knowing personally. To be recognized among such esteemed peers is truly humbling, and receiving this award is an immense honor that I deeply cherish.

2. What inspired you to write this masterpiece?
- My inspiration for crafting 'Dungeon' stemmed from my admiration for the works of Dan Brown, whose narratives always held a unique and captivating essence within the crime thriller genre. I aspired to create a narrative that departed from conventional murder mysteries and delving into this creative process, I envisioned an innovative fusion of science and religion, anchoring the storyline in a futuristic context that echoes with contemporary times. This convergence within the chapters of 'Dungeon' was a deliberate choice which I believe aims at offering readers a narrative that not only engages but also stimulates curiosity in them.

3. What did you, as an Author, find to be the most difficult part in writing this story?
- One of the most demanding aspects of writing 'Dungeon' was the tedious task of blending cryptic clues and meaningful references into the storyline. Making sure that the biblical references didn't feel forced but rather naturally intertwined within the narrative was quite challenging. Each page demanded extensive research conjoining both scientific and religious realms. It was a meticulous process to find and incorporate these elements into the chapters. My goal was for every word yo hold it's own weight and significance, hoping that readers would feel the importance of each aspect of the story as they progressed through the book.

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