Depuis le début

Professor Sean had his room on the second floor while the students got all their rooms on the first floor of the lodging house.

The Moosham castle was around a fifteen-minute walk from the lodging towards the North while the township was somewhat more towards the west.

One could view the splendid and spectacular densely forested Alpine highlands towards the east and to the southern side of the compound.
To be honest, these dense forests did make up much for the very mysterious and scary feeling once dusk fell in Moosham.
It has always been very clearly visible to a long distance in summer, however this year, the unexplainable fog in the area made vision somewhat distorted.

The students were all standing in front of the door of Professor Sean's room, mumbling about themselves regarding what could be the potential findings, the professor was so very eager to share with them.
Everyone seemed to be quite excited, yet somewhat uneasy having heard the developments.
Just then, with a clutch sound, the door opened and Professor Sean was standing there with a warm smile on his face.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to my room, we may have a lot on our plate to talk about today"

"Yes professor, I think all of us are ready to help you out in any way possible"

"Come in, come in. I want to show you all something."
He pulled out a heap of papers containing photographs, notes and sketches.

"These are from my explorations of a tunnel in the older part of the castle which mostly lies abandoned.
As you can see, many of these walls have markings which seem very strange to me.

It is said, this tunnel was used by Archbishop Raitenau to hide, on his flight to Carnithia.
However, not long after he left Moosham, his nephew, captured and imprisoned him for life.

Later this tunnel was often by a count named Toni, who is rumoured to to have incited practices of heavy dark magic in the rooms that this tunnel leads to."

"What is far more strange though" the professor continued.

"Some of these markings seem very new,  and most horribly, painted using blood"

Everyone gasped.

As if to throw the question out which was the first to come into everyone's mind Rexi blurted out with fear

"Human's Blood professor??"

Apparently not, I had sent the samples for testing at the local laboratory, and they told me, those were markings of sheep's blood.

Everyone relaxed their breaths, but the tense atmosphere remained.
Human's blood or otherwise, it was blood markings they were talking about, that too seemingly fresh ones.

He pointed to detailed drawings of ornate carvings and lined passages. "You may all have a look at those strange symbols I found etched in several places." Strange lined patterns caught their eyes.

Zani pondered over them closely. "Professor, these resemble designs from old grimoires of pagan magic from the era when superstitions ran high. However, I am not sure which procedures they form a part of."

"Quite right..Zani..quite right you are," Professor Sean remarked, excitement filled in his eyes.

"Now, to identify just that we come to the manuscript collection I asked Amelia to bring from the University library.

But, before that, I must tell you about the person who I saw that day on the castle grounds wearing black robes..."

Just as everyone's eyes narrowed and Professor Sean was going to continue his cell phone rang.

Miss Ruth. He answers the call.

"Hm, yes Miss Ruth, Professor Graham speaking"

After a few minutes of listening the professor's eyes shot up in shock.

"Lord Jesus! This seems to be straight out of a horror movie!!"

"Yeah...yeah Miss Ruth, I shall be on my way in a minute" Saying this he cuts the call.

"Well students, looks like there has been quite a mishap at the castle tonight with Miss Sarza, I shall be on my way.

I shall directly meet you all there tomorrow morning, make sure to have a good rest at night"

Saying this, Professor Sean raced downstairs.

Farhan watched from the balcony as Professor Sean nearly ran out of the lodge exit, towards the castle.

He addressed his friends.

"Look, something very serious seems to have happened at the castle tonight, there is no point in sitting here and wasting time as events unfold right before our eyes.
Also...letting the professor go all alone into what seems to be a hot mess does not seem to be a good idea."

"Yes, you are right, we should be on our way as well" Amelia joined in.

"But we do not know about the location of anything inside the castle!" Rexi seemed worried.

Well then, I suggest, I and Amelia try to venture out into the castle tonight and try to find out what is so very wrong there after all.

Rexi and Zani, you two stay here, if you don't receive any call from me that we are safe and doing alright, you two can set off for the castle in that case.

Rexi reluctantly nods her head, Zani even though silent, does not seem too pleased with the idea either, but agrees nonetheless.

A few minutes later with two high-powered flashlights and the Glock 19 carefully concealed in the gap between her T-shirt and jeans, Amelia and Farhan set off towards the castle.


LACUNA OBSCURA - A Horror ThrillerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant