Chapter 3 Flying Pests

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"We're almost out of the Valley. Just a few more minu- Look..." Owen says. He points to an almost dead Brachiosaurus. "It's killing for sport." Owen says. I stand up and look over the hill to see many more dead Brachiosaurus. "Why would it do this?" I ask. "It's learning where it fits in the food chain." Owen says.

EMA'S POV (Meanwhile)

"What if we're stuck here forever?" Gray asks. I see Zach stop what he's doing and go up to Gray. "We're not going to be stuck here forever. Okay? I won't let us. We'r gonna get out of here." Zach says and hugs Gray. I smile and continue leaving small clues for whoever might come and look for us.

As I try and remove the dirt on my scrape with water from the lake, I hear a loud roar come from the jungle. "Did you hear that?" I whisper. They both nod. I slowly stand up and point to a different direction. I move the arrow so that it's facing the new path that we are taking, then I catch up to the boys.

"I thought we lost that thing!" I whisper-yell. "So did I. Do you think it jumped? Or found a new path?" Gray asks. "I don't think it jumped, but it most likely found a new path. It can sense heat."I say. "What else can it do?" Zach asks. "I'm not sure. I don't even know how it got out. The wall was 40 feet high. It couldn't have jumped." I say.

"Look. What's that?" Gray points to a tunnel. "It's the old park! Come on!" I say and run inside the tunnel. I find a dinosaur bone on the ground and ask Gray for one of his matches. This kid is really prepared. I set the bone on fire and we use it as a torch. There are paintings of dinosaurs on the walls and some old supplies scattered around the place. I spot a Jeep with the number 29 on it and see if it's still in good condition. "Do you guys know how to fix this?" I ask. "We can try." Zach says. I quickly nod and take out a tool box from one of the shelves. It's worth a shot.

CLAIRE'S POV (Meanwhile)

"Zach! Gray!" I shout. Owen quickly puts his hand over my mouth and shushes me. "Zach, Gray and Ema are all still alive. But we might not be if you keep on shouting like that. Plus, you wouldn't last a second in those heels." Owen says and points to my shoe. "What? Can't you sniff them or something?" I ask. "I joined the navy.." He mumbles. I let out a huff and undid the buttons on my shirt. I had a tank top underneath, relax... I tied a knot with the white shirt then rolled up my sleeves. "What's this supposed to mean?" Owen asked and he crossed his arms. "It means I'm ready." I say. "Alright, but I'm in charge." Owen says. I'm in charge... Blah blah blah. Let's see who gets put in charge when I lower his payment...

EMA'S POV (Meanwhile)

"Try it." I say to Gary and slide out from underneath the Jeep. Gray turns the key and the Jeep roars to life. "Yes! We did it!" Zach says. I run up to him and give him a big bear hug. I quickly let go, but he pulls me back. "Yeah," He says then lets go of me.

He gets into the driver's seat, Gray goes in the back, then I get into the passenger's seat. "Wait, did you fail you driver's test?" Gray asks. "You what?!?!?!?!" I say and put on my seat belt. "Relax, I only failed the driving part." He smiles and speeds off into the jungle. I hang on for dear life, because who knows how bad this kid is at driving..?

OWEN'S POV (Meanwhile)

"My feet hurt and there is a bug looking at me!" Claire whines. I shoo he bug away then give her a glare. I told her that she wouldn't last a second in those shoes... I block out the sound of Claire's whining- but it stops. I turn around and see her pointing to a Gyrosphere- Or what's left of one. She gets down on her knees and holds Zach's phone. "Oh my god- Owen..." She says. "Karen. Is going. To kill me." She says. Really? That's what she's worried about?

I give her another glare, then see that they made it out safely. "They're not dead." I say and point to 3 sets of muddy footprints. "Then what're we waiting for??? Let's go!" Claire says and is off running to the direction they went in. "They jumped." She says and points to a cliff. "Look down there." I say and point to a blue phone case- "Ema!" I say and run down a hill. I pick up her phone and see that it's dead. She'll need a new phone once all of this is over.. And so will Zach. I look around for more clues and find an arrow made out of sticks. "This way." I say and point to a tunnel.

"They've been here, look. These are Gray's matches." Claire says and picks up a used match. "Doesn't look too old, so it's possible." I say. Suddenly, I hear a low growl come from outside of the tunnel. I pull Claire behind a truck and place a finger over her mouth. She slowly nods then I crawl around the truck to reach for my gun. I successfully get it without the Idominus Rex noticing.

Right when I think that it's safe to come out, The Indominus Rex rips through the roof of the building and sinks it's claws into the truck. I run out of the tunnel with Claire close behind. I stop and reach out for her, but she runs right past me. Wow, okay...

The Indominus Rex is headed right for the Pterodactyl habitat. That can't be good. "I'm calling Simon! He's got a chopper up ahead!" Claire shouts as she's running. I spot a poorly driven helicopter up ahead. The Indominus Rex spots it too and rushes right past us. I let out a breath of relief before I see where it's headed. The Indominus Rex spots the chopper flying down into the Pterodactyl habitat. The chopper crashes and the glass breaks. Hundreds of Pterodactyls fly out and are headed are way. To make it even worse, the Indominus Rex makes another hole in to glass, letting more Pterodactyls out. "Run!" I say and run towards the trees. One of them are close behind us and I duck down with Claire. It flies right past us. "We have to evacuate the island." I say and Claire agrees immediately.

EMA'S POV (Meanwhile)

"We're safe now." Zach says and lets out a breath. "No, we're not! Drive!" I say. I look out the window and see almost a hundred Pterodactyls chasing us. "Open the gate!" "The gate!" "Help us! Open the gate!" We all shout. The two guards see what's chasing us and open the gate. Zach speeds through the gate and drives as fast as he can to the park.

Once we are in the park, we see that they beat us to it.

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