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Sanji had found Reiju in one of the infirmaries after Pudding released her with altered memories. Once she woke up, Sanji explained everything he'd overheard.

"Do you believe me?" He asked.

"Of course, I do." His sister responded immediately. "I know you wouldn't lie to me, I just didn't realize Pudding's true nature was this heinous."

"You noticed?"

"I wasn't sure but she seemed too perfect so I decided to spy on her on my own. Probably should've let Eira handle it since it's her thing, but she's not here."

Sanji's hands covered his face as his frustration grew at the situation, "The promise to let my friends go as long as I married her never meant anything! I thought everything would be ok if I sacrificed myself."

"Our father should've been more careful in dealing with a Yonko. But, I don't think we should say anything and let them bring Germa down."

Shocked at his sister's words, the blonde's head snaps up.

"What're you saying? If you and Eira attend the tea party, you'll both die!"

"Are you worried for us?" Reiju looked amused. "You're not indebted to us for helping you escape. You need to get off this island with the Straw Hats."

"I can't! Not with everything they're holding over my head. I won't just leave you or the girl I have feelings for to die."

"So you admit it? Why do you think she came home? She spent two years chasing pseudo freedom, extending her stays once completing missions to get a taste of what she dreams to be, just to come running when she heard you were stuck in the middle of this alliance. Eira's gonna do whatever it takes to get you out. If you stay, we're all going to die. You can't die! For our mother's sake, Sanji."

His mind goes blank as Reiju reveals the words shared between the two girls and the siblings' kind mother, whom Sanji resembled in grace and humanity.

But Reiju was struggling to convince Sanji to leave them to their devices, as he continued to argue that her and Eira shouldn't be punished with the rest of them.

"We're assassins. Our hands are dirty and Eira's no exception, though hers less so. She has humanity and we all care about her. I said she's the best of us and I meant it in more ways than just as a soldier. She deserves to be free but she wouldn't want you to risk yours.

You should also know, those bracelets won't explode. I swapped them before putting them on you. Consider what's important, Sanji, nothing's holding you back."

Sanji's mind was at war as he left the infirmary. On one hand, he wanted to escape with his friends and continue their adventure. But on the other, he couldn't, in good conscience, leave his family to die despite everything. Especially if Eira was being subjected to the same fate.


Eira thought the 'burn book prison to free Luffy and Nami' plan was quite a success. Although, Nami had to steal Opera's clothes seeing as hers were burnt away in some areas.

"Thank you!" Nami said. "But seriously, why are both of you on Whole Cake Island?"

"The Sun Pirates that I led are affiliated with Big Mom. I'm rebelling!" Jimbei grinned.

The Straw Hats smiled in return then turned to the other female, knowing it wasn't a coincidence she was here either.

She pointed at her headpiece, the 66 displayed clearly on the parts covering her ears. "I'm Germa. I'll explain on the way out, but we've got incoming."

After a slight delay caused by Luffy collapsing from hunger, the group of four booked it out of the library as rapid footsteps approached.

While taking out enemies in their path, Eira further explained her statement.

"Luffy, I didn't mention knowing Sanji when we met out of respect for him and how he feels about his family, but the two of us were close as children." Her tone was serious and voice unwavering as they ran. "I grew up alongside the Vinsmokes, under the wing of Judge and am considered part of the Germa royal family.

I figure you're somewhat familiar with the Germa Kingdom and Germa 66 now. I'm a commander and spy, which is the other reason I didn't say anything in Dressrosa as I was undercover. I haven't been home in almost 2 years but I'm here to get Sanji out of this mess that they should've never involved him in the first place. I'll do whatever is necessary to get him off this island. Sorry to ask, but can you make sure he knows that, with your crew, he's exactly where he's meant to be?"

The fire in Luffy's eyes had been burning even before she found them, but he was more determined now than ever. The male broke away from the group, quickly yelling 'of course I will' and that he'd find Sanji while entrusting the two individuals to look after Nami.

Luffy was gone in the blink of an eye as the remaining three went to find a place to hide and form a plan.

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