Part 1

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"I will scream"

I say  looking up at him, he is easily a foot taller than me he has dirty blond hair and dark emerald eyes

"I like it when I make you scream"

he replies looking deep into my eye as though he can see through me.

Welcome to the story of how me and my sister's hopes life changed. drastically. 

He pins me agents his car as he towers over, he leans down to whisper in my ear

"Get in the car"


I spat at him kicking him in the groin running back inside the club to confide in my sister


I yell as I ran towards my sister, she whips her head towards me. she sees the guy  running after me this isn't the first time, we both know what to do

"In the back now go go go"

I run past her yelling a thank you at her she stands in fount of the guy

"I'm sorry sir only employs are allowed back there"

she looks at him, he looks at her with a smirk he brings his hand to his lips and whistles, she looks to see 5 tall men get up and make their way over to her. Hope's eyes go wide making all 6 men smirk

"Nope fuck that"

she say as she starts running grabbing the keys off the counter running into the back where me her sister is and locked the door behind her

"What happed this time Hayley"

hope yells whispers as she looks at me not in fear of me but of the situation

"He pinned me to his car and told me to get in so I-"

"You didn't-" hope interrupts


"Why do you do that hayley you know this happens every time and now there's 6 of them"

hope wines to to me I whip my head towards hope

"there's what, d- did you just say 6 men are out there waiting for us"

I say  out of pure fear hope nods her head only one thought going though both of our heads 'how in mother's name are we going to get out of this one.' I walk to get a robe as I am not wearing much as I walk back there are 3 loud bangs on the door




Then everything went silent a gun being cock back is heard and


One final gun shot to add to the bangs on the door and it flew open leaving hope to lay on the ground while clutching her ankle, I ran towards her hoping me nor her were the next with a bullet through us. All 6 men stand at the door looking in but  I don't care

"Hope hope look at me don't close your eyes please I need you" 

I slightly turn my head, so they know I was talking to them

 "you idiots look what you've done"

As I look back at my sister I feel a hand snake around the back of my neck and just like that I am pulled up to look him dead in the eyes, I stay silent as I fear for my life, he leans in closer our lips are center meters from touching

"The fuck did you just call us?" 


see you in the next chapter, lots of love

Hope and Hayley xxoo

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