A horn blared throughout the forest, obviously signifying the start of the game.

"For glory!" She yelled, pointing her sword towards the forest, and a roar of approval ran throughout the crowd, before a huge charge into the woods, everybody heading to their designated positions.

I followed the Hermes Cabin, a little bit of nervous excitement running through me, but before I could even get into the forest, I was stopped by a hand to my shoulder.

I turned around to see who it was, and imagine my surprise when my eyes met the cold, grey irises of Annabeth Chase, looking at me up and down, almost like she was evaluating me on the spot.

"Not you. You have a special job to do for me. Percy, right?" She asked, and I stupidly nodded, shocked that anybody would ever want my help and expect me not to fuck it up in one way or another.

"R-really?" I asked dumbly, and the look she gave me just made me feel even more thick in the head.

"Yes. Follow me." She began darting off towards the little stream running nearby, in what she made seem like a casual walk, while I was damn near jogging to catch up.

When she eventually stopped, she pointed to a mini estuary that seemed to empty out into a huge lake, a pebble beach lining it and not much tree cover. It was open as you child possibly get really.

"Stay here." She ordered, looking straight at me.

"Are you sure? It's pretty close to the flag, and I'm all by myself, don't you want a few more people guarding here?" I asked, a little confused by her plan here.

She shook her head, and I'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes at me, but I didn't get a good look.

"Percy?" She crossed her arms.


"Who's my mother?"


"Right. What is she the goddess of? Actually, don't answer that. She's the goddess of strategy. I'm the leader of her cabin for a reason. Don't question my plan." She had an irritated tone, and I blinked in surprise.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to insult your intelligence or anything..." I sheepishly apologised, realising how I might have came off. The unclaimed newbie questioning the strategy goddesess' child's plan might have been a bit arrogant. Still though, she didn't need to be so cold about it.

"Whatever. Just stay here, no matter what. D'you hear me?" She stressed the last sentence, putting more authority behind it and I dumbly nodded again.

"Good. Try not to die." She said that so monotonously, I was caught off guard, but before I could ask her about it, she took out a baseball cap and simply... disappeared.

"The fuck?" I murmured, but honestly the shock every time something crazy happened was getting lower and lower, the last couple of days were just insane.

And everything would probably get crazier.

Five minutes passed since Annabeth left. Nothing happened.

Twenty minutes went by. Still nothing.

I waited another hour. Absolutely fuck-all.

My boredom got to the point where I was picking up pebbles from the beach and throwing them over the lake, failing miserably at making them skid on the water.

If this was what Capture the Flag was, I wasn't sure I cared about it anym-


That was the sound of the helmet I left on the floor being impaled by a four feet tall spear.

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