21 | Justin's Daughter

Start from the beginning

"Girl I don't give no fucks! Run faster!" She turned the corner in the hall, then she laughed as well when India passed her.

"I wasn't even racing you for real." Autumn smacked her lips when they made it to the playroom at the same time, making India laugh harder. She was such a sore loser.

"Damn girl. Wassup?" Dayvon caught Autumn just in time as she jumped in his arms, holding her in the air.

"They said we can go get my babies! It's time to gooo. Right nowwwww." She leaned her body backwards to pull him towards the door, which wasn't actually a door and was instead just a big open space.

"Oh shit. Say, y'all ah' lock up?" He walked in that direction without waiting on a response from Durk and India, causing Durk to smack his lips while India laughed once again.

"Call me Autumn! I wanna come see them!" India waved at them as she was carried by Dayvon towards the elevator.

"Okay, love you, muah. No balls." She made a kissy face, and the two of them laughed together, yet again. She loved India so much.

That friend she once craved to be her person, ended up being India. They spent just about everyday together now, doing literally anything; it could be something as simple as watching movies at home with their kids, or taking full on shopping trips with their fiancé's money.

Autumn spent so much time with India that it made Dayvon a little jealous, and the same for Durk, even though the men really enjoyed the double dates the women forced them on. The quality time with genuine friends was good for the soul.

"We finna get my babies, we finna get my babies," Autumn sung happily, rubbing her thumb impatiently to calm her nerves. She was so excited.

"You cute as hell mama." He glanced over at her as he pulled into the parking lot of the women's side of the hospital.

"Thanks daddy." She turned her body in his direction, grabbing his face to kiss his cheek.

"Man quit playing with me A." He grabbed her wrist, and she laughed after seeing his other hand go to the front of his jeans.

"I'm in such a good mood, I got you when we get home. For real. But for now, it's time to go get my babiessss!" She left a bunch of kisses on both of his cheeks before opening the passenger door to get out.

"You ain't gon' make it to them if you touch another door." He got out as well, and her smile spread even further when he grabbed her hand.

"We finna get our babies," He sung the same song she was previously singing, making her bust out laughing.

Over the course of the next ten minutes, Autumn filled out the necessary paperwork to process her babies discharge. Then, they were finally taken back to the room where the triplets were being held.

"Hi my babies! The sweetest faces ever!" Autumn picked Sky up first, nuzzling her face into her neck.

"Wassup daddy babies?" Dayvon picked Winter and Ash up at the same time, a smile on his face. The two obviously loved being parents.

The hospital gave them three complimentary car seats and a 'take home' bag, and they were finally on their way home. The three car seats fit perfectly in the backseat of Dayvon's truck, but he knew they were definitely going to need a bigger vehicle.

Luckily, a brand new 2023 Cadillac Escalade would be delivered to their house in less than a week. He traded his Range Rover and his Genesis in for the truck, but he knew it was a good decision. He never drove the Genesis and he was more than willing to sacrifice his Range Rover for their family vehicle.

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