06 | Sunday Bliss

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Autumn had her arms wrapped around August's body while he sat in her lap, watching Kai Cenat's live Twitch stream on his iPad with his beats resting over his head

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Autumn had her arms wrapped around August's body while he sat in her lap, watching Kai Cenat's live Twitch stream on his iPad with his beats resting over his head. Dayvon sat on the side of her, and Jasmine sat on the other side of him.

They were currently at church for Sunday's morning service. The first praise and worship had just started, and then the actual sermon would take place after; but praise and worship didn't have a set time on how long it would take, sometimes they could sing for up to an hour.

This was Autumn's third day with them, and things had actually been cool. She and Jasmine still hadn't spoke to each other, but neither of them went out of their way to nitpick with the other. Autumn mostly stayed in the room with August, and if he was asleep she would find something to clean.

She even made dinner last night and that made her really happy because she hadn't been able to do that in three years. She never had a kitchen to cook in since she'd been living on the streets and she didn't know anyone who could cook like her mother could-besides herself, of course.

It made Dayvon happy as well because they usually ate out for dinner or Hazel would sometimes bring them a plate. Neither him nor Jasmine were great cooks, unfortunately. That's why August loved McDonald's as much as he did.

He tore Autumn's food up last night, though. He even ate her macaroni, which was a surprise to his dad since he was so picky when it came to mac and cheese. He literally only ate it if they were at church.

Autumn was glad that he liked it. She was also glad that she was even around to cook for him. Although it had only been a month of her being sober, she could definitely get used to this lifestyle, especially if it meant that she could be with her baby.

"Good morning family. How y'all doing? Anybody give God some praise for getting y'all here today?" Bishop Hurst walked on the stage platform with a handkerchief in his hand, smiling at the claps and praise that came after his greeting.

"Now listen here, this message was on my heart heavy today. I didn't even want to give it because it seemed almost too straightforward, but God kept telling me-you got to give it. So, we gone start this off with Isaiah 43, verse 19. Let me know when y'all got it."

Autumn looked over at Dayvon when he tapped her leg, then she looked down to see him holding a Bible out for her. She took it and opened it up to the book of Isaiah, going to the chapter requested by the Bishop.

"Verse 19 reads, 'Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.'" Some of the church read the verse aloud with him.

"What that means is: a change is coming. That's it. That's the message. A change is coming! Isaiah said a change, is, coming." He took dramatic pauses in between his words, listening to the applause and praise filling the church.

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