CHAPTER 4: indirect confession

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Beomgyu woke up with a severe headache due to his hungover last night. He lazily went to the restroom and got freshed up within a few, then he walked towards the kitchen and noticed taehyun wasn't there.. usually they'd be cooking at this time, but Tae wasn't cooking.. 

He also noticed the food kept closed in a hot pack.. he made himself a coffee before searching for the other

'Where is this boy?' Beomgyu thought to himself and approached towards the other male's room. He knocked the door twice and walked in and saw Tae, who sat on his bed in front of his laptop, typing something. Beomgyu sighed in relief after making sure that he's alive.

"Oh you're up?" Tae darted his eyes over beom, who just nodded and stood there with his coffee.
"I thought you'd take more time to wake up" Tae said
"Why?" Beom asked as he sat over a small chair which was placed near the door
"Because you were so drunk last night" Tae shrugged and beom bit his lower hesitantly wondering if he said something weird last night.

"Uhm- did I.. did I say something weird?" Beom spoke 

"No.. you were just screaming random shits and clinging onto yeonjun-hyung" Tae chuckled and beomgyu sighed in relief again. 

"You also asked me to cuddle with you.. like a five year old" Tae lowkey teased the other while beomgyu literally choke on his drink
"C-come on! I was totally drunk okay?!" Beom panicked
"I didn't complain anything na?" Tae smirked 
"Drunk gyu is kinda cute not gonna lie" Tae mumbled with a smile, remembering how the other kept clinging onto him. In the meantime, beomgyu literally looked like a tomato that was about to burst out in a few seconds. 
"I-I'll come back!" Beom rushed to the kitchen to wash his coffee mug. Or maybe to hide his blushing face from the other.

Beomgyu came back and knocked the door twice and heard taehyun's muffled "yes" indicating him to come in.

When beomgyu stepped in. His heart skipped a beat seeing the other's well-built body, he just stood there infront of the door, totally frozen with wide eyes and jaw drop open. Yes. Kang Tae Hyun was changing.

"Like what you're seeing hmm?" Beomgyu got interrupted when he heard taehyun whisper close to his ear. Beom quickly took a step back when his back touch the door, making it shut close. But taehyun, as a gentle man, he is. Stepped back with a chuckle, not wanting to embarrass the other.

After, finally putting on his shirt Taehyun was busy combing his hair in front of the mirror while beomgyu stood in front of the huge window in the room, staring outside hesitantly.

"Aren't you coming?" Tae asked making the other gasp with the sudden question 
"Uhm..c-can I take an off today?" Beomgyu spoke and tae stopped all his actions for a moment.
“Why..? What's wrong?” Tae asked turning towards the other, totally concerned.
“Um.. i- I just feel so tired..” Beom finally turn towards him to meet the big doe eyes which were already piercing through his soul.

“I need to take some rest” he said with a weak smile. Tae knew something was wrong but he also didn't want to invade beom’s privacy too.

Tae walked towards beomgyu and cupped his face. He himself wasn't sure about where did he get that braveness from

“Is everything okay?” he asked with his calm-soothing voice and Beom just nodded with his eyes closed, lowkey enjoying the little touches of the other.
“Ok..if something's wrong- you can always count on me, yeah?” 
“I'll always have your back” Tae assured with a warm smile. Before he could say anything else, he felt Beomgyu’s arms wrap around his waist with his head resting over tae's shoulder. Beom literally buried himself into the other, not wanting to let go. Ofcourse, tae hugged back feeling eachother's warmth.

They stayed like that for a moment, but got interrupted when tae's phone began to ring. It was beom who quickly let go off the other while tae wasn't even interested to leave him.

Finally, Tae answered the call

Yeah, I'm coming! On my way-” 
Sure.. thanks, i'll be there” Tae cut the call and hurriedly took his bag and walked out of the room and beom followed him. How badly he wanted the other to stay with him the whole day but..? his thoughts got interrupted when Tae spoke again. 

“Don't forget to inform Mr.Choi about your absence..” Tae said while putting on his socks and then his shoes
“I'll give them a word too” he added.

“I'll get going then” Tae waved to the other and swung through the door and left the house. Beomgyu could do nothing, but sigh. What was wrong with him? Why did he feel all alone suddenly? Ofcourse he was alone but why did he feel so lonely? He just ignored all these questions and walked back into the house, doing his own works.

Since taehyun's work got over early today, he decided to get some tteokbokki for himself and beomgyu for dinner. Yes, he did as he thought, after getting dinner, he drove back to their shared apartment. Once he stepped closer, he heard someone yelling at beomgyu probably. Fearing the worst, taehyun quickly opened the door without any sign and rolled in.

The first thing that caught his eyes was beomgyu, who stood there with almost teary eyes staring at the woman who sat on their couch like she's the queen or something. Seeing the other cry made his heart sink too. His mind was still trying to process what was going on but beomgyu immediately pulled taehyun by his arm and spoke again 

“You see this guy? I like him! I AM DATING HIM! NOW GET THE FUCKING LOST!” Beomgyu yelled

~to be continued~

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