𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚. you'll love me at once

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"Where are you all going?"

Y/N swore she was going to have a heart attack when she heard the voice from behind. 

"Itadori?" Megumi recognized.

"For crying out loud Nanami your son almost had me in my deathbed!" Y/N whispered yelled.

"Sorry Y/N-san" he says, he was just roaming around and having fun by himself, trying not to get caught by Nanami for not going to bed early again, he forgot that any time Y/N will escape.

"Oh great another kid, that's it I'm leaving you all behind!" Toji got so annoyed. "Can't you see we're escaping?" 

Y/N took a deep breath.

"Yuji, you should not be out here at this hour. Go back and tell Nanami we have succeeded, okay?" Y/N pat his head.

"I'm sorry Y/N-san, I promise I'll tell him. Please go safely!"

"Thanks Yuji" Y/N gave him a smile.

"We should go"

Toji clicked his tongue in annoyance. With one last glance, they moved forward and successfully escaped to the forest.

On their way to the Gojo duchy, the three of them temporarily stopped walking in order to make a torch. The moonlight was no longer enough to illuminate their way and so Y/N and Megumi sat beside each other waiting for Toji to finish making a torch.

And while waiting, Megumi could no longer keep quiet.

"Auntie, where are we going?"

Y/N looked at him and gave him a faint smile. "To your Gojo sensei"

"Oh" he pondered, connecting the puzzle pieces together.

"And who is that man, auntie?" He pointed at Toji who was lighting the torch fire.

Y/N felt a lump in her throat, she thinks Toji doesn't deserve his son's attention, but she also does not want to deprive Megumi of the truth, and prolonging it would just make things more complicated.

"Megumi..." Y/N was finding the right momentum to say it. "He is—"

"I am your father"

Y/N suddenly snapped towards Toji's direction. He really had to ruin her momentum!

"Let's go, before they'll notice and you'll never get to your lover's place"

"We are not lovers—"


"I seriously cannot believe you" Y/N says.

Toji ignored her and took Megumi's hand. "Come on, we'll leave your auntie here, she's old enough to go on her own" he says.

"Oi, stop acting like a father now" Y/N said as she took Megumi's other hand. Just to make sure he won't take away Megumi.

What if he kidnaps his own son and sell him off? What if he makes Megumi work for him instead? What if he returns Megumi to the Zen'ins in exchange for a price? And all other worst case scenarios Y/N could probably think of.

"Are you really my father?" Megumi questioned as they continued walking.

"Ask your aunt if you don't believe me"

Y/N sighed before looking at Megumi. "Yes, Megumi. That's your useless father"

Toji almost threw her to the river when she stuck her tongue out to mock him, had he not remembered the price he will get on bringing her to Gojo.


It hasn't been long since Gojo had been called by his father once again to talk about certain matters. Gojo was glad to say the least that finally he has come to terms with his father and that he will support whatever his decision will be.

dream. 𝙜𝙤𝙟𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪 ✓Where stories live. Discover now