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Lance's POV

During the fight with Black Widow and Hawkeye, I got pinned and surrounded. Why? Because I knew it was a fight I was gonna lose without blood being shed.

They cuffed me and took me, more like dragged me down to a van outside. When we get in the back I see Rebeca knocked out on the center of the floor.

"Woah, hey is she okay, what'd you do to her!" I yell and they ignore me. Fine if it's the quiet game they're playing then I'll join.

Not even two full days of being here and Shield already got us. I'm not worried, they won't have us for long. They're just lucky Beca decided to go all ape shit and not be smart about the situation. I wonder if she got good hits in. Who am I kidding of course she did. The ride to the Avenger's Tower, I'm assuming, wasn't long.

Different agents drag me out the van and inside, two agents carry Rebeca in and I keep a close eye on her. I notice how the two Avengers go a different direction and keep that in mind.

We're taken to a cylinder cell that's on top of a drop to death. They're not taking any chances I see. The glass door opens and we are thrown in, I stay on my feet but as for my sister she just hit the ground.

"Hey dipshits be more considerate next time, she unconscious" I yell and they just leave, the door locking behind them.

This is just great.

Rebeca's POV

I slowly stir awake to find myself in cuffs and in a cell. I look around and see Lance sitting on the bed on the corner of the room.

"Look where you got us. Did you even kill him?" He asked not even checking on me to see if I'm ok

"No, rich boy saved him from the fall" I say and stand up, that's when I feel the headache kick in causing me to groan

"That's what you get" he scolds and I roll my eyes. The sound of soft footsteps catches our attention making us look to the bridge connecting the cell to the other room or whatever, the footsteps belonging to Nick Fury and Captain America.

"So I see you tried to kill this hood man here" he says pointing to Steve

"Yeah, next time he won't be so lucky" I mumble and cross my arms

"Yes, next time we won't be as careless" Lance adds and stands up and walks so he is now next to me

"There won't be a next time. You two can choose to join us and take down the real root of your anger, HYDRA, or you two can stay in a cell for however long you can live. Try and lay a finger on Steve or anyone else and you'll be put down... permanently" Fury explains with no emotion whatsoever


"Look here Nick, can I call you Nick? We don't like your buddy there, but we don't like HYDRA more, along with the idea of us in a cell for the rest of our lives, so just give us a minute to consider it" Lance cuts me off and I glare at him, what the hell is he thinking

"I will send someone in an hour to get your answer" Nick says and leaves the room while Steve doesn't move from he spot

"What do you want" I spit out with Venom

"I am truly sorry I didn't save you two back then. I honestly was scared and with HYDRA being HYDRA I didn't know what to do or who to trust. I will do everything in my power to help you destroy them, that is if you choose to put aside your hatred and join us, we could use you two" He says and he seems genuine, but I don't respond and just stare at him. He takes that as a sign and leaves.

"Beca, Fury's right, the root of our hatred is Hydra and not Captain America, and he had decent reasoning. Yeah, who would think people would want to stay and be Hydras toy but look at him, he doesn't seem to wise" Lance says walking back over to the bed

"Do you hear yourself right now? We have hated him for years and you just wanna toss that aside because he says sorry and some pirate dude points the blame to an enemy of theirs" I yell in disbelief

"Listen to yourself Beca, their enemy is our enemy, the people who turned us into killers, the ones who tortured us and made us their weapons. Just think about it, you don't have to like the guy, just don't kill him. I can't loose you" He says the last part quietly and looks down at his hands

I don't respond and just sit down in the other corner of the cell. Man I hate when he's right. I don't wanna work with Cap but I also don't wanna die in a cell or die at the hands of these bastards. If Lance agrees then I have to, I can't leave him alone with them.

This took a turn, it goes from trying to kill Captain America, to me and my brother deciding to join his little team of 'heroes'. Thinking about it makes me laugh

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Lance asks from the other side of the cell

"This is all hilarious" I say and continue laughing to myself

"Yeah, it really is if you think about it" he says and laughs with me. We just sit there laughing about our situation.

"Do I need to call someone?" A voice says making us stop and look to see who it is

"Oh it's Black Widow" I say and laugh again

"Has it been an hour already?" Lance asked confused

"No, but the camera gave us your answer" She says

"Well what the process of this all?" I say standing up

"Well first we get you two to a less celly cell, until we know you won't try anything, then we go from there" she says opening the cell door

"Back to sleeping on concrete we go" I joke and Lance and I walk out the cell and stand in front of the assassin

"So you guys are just gonna add us to your little hero group and that's that!" Lance says not believing how simple it is, and neither am I.

"No, we will give you some test and training, then once we think you're ready and trustable then you can be added to our little hero group" she mocks and leads the way to our new cells. Lance better know what he's getting us into.

Our little journey comes to an end at a plan white door at the end of a hallway. We did pass by a kitchen and lounge area so this must be where the Avenger's stay.

Widow opens the door to a 'cell' with two twin beds on each side of the room, with a door to the right and a door to the left. This is more like a room. I'm not complaining.

"When there is no one watching you guys you will be in here with the door locked, if you need anything just ask Jarvis, he's the A.I." She informs once we enter the room

"Do we have clothes or no" I ask and Lance elbows me

"They're in the closet. Be ready for testing tomorrow at 7am sharp" she says and leaves the room shutting the door on her way out, seconds later I hear it lock.

"You better not have gotten us into another Hydra situation" I say and flop down on one of the beds.

I'm really not looking forward to testing tomorrow. I wonder what Kates doing?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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