Brief background info

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Rebecca's POV

Me and Lance, my younger brother by 1 year, are playing tag in the backyard, having the time of our lives waiting for mom to finish dinner as dad sits on the porch watching us.

"Beca you can't do that, that's not fair" Lance whines after I trip him to get a head start

"It is too" I say sticking my tongue out at him with a giggle

"Beca, play nice" my dad yells and I groan and help Lance up


"Kids stay out here and wait till I get back" dad demands then runs inside. Lance and I just stand there and listen to screams and glass breaking the everything just stops

"Lance stay right here" I tell him and run inside. I was not prepared for what I saw

Dad was on the ground motionless and a big man was pointing a gun at moms head. Before I could move a loud bang sounds through the house and mom falls on the ground and blood starts to puddle around her

"MOM!" Is all I can yell as I run to my now dead mothers side

"Go grab the boy" the man says and I didn't even realize the two other men in the room

Next thing I know me and my brother are in the back of a van and we were back there for hours. All I wanted was my mom and dad, and it looked like Lance was confused but also in The need of our parents.

Third person POV
New Jersey, 1943

The super soldier serum was a success and Steven Grant Rogers was now the hope the U.S Army needed. Germany doesn't have a chance now. But is it really Germany who should worry about the new man. Not at all. Hydra needs to look out because Steve is coming for them with all he has.


Hydra wasn't worried about the new super soldier because they have two powerful monsters waiting for their release.

The Warrior and Guardian.

Who are they? You may ask, and it's an answer you shall receive.

The two names after the powerful angles Michael and Raphael. Yes the angels they are named after are supposed to be all good and whatever but they are just the opposite.

Rebecca aka Warrior

Rebecca's abilities consist of speed, enhanced healing and strength as well as senses. Rebecca also has the power to In trance anyone she pleases with only seconds of locking eyes with someone.

Has black vibranium wings the fold into her back, connected to her spine covered in Adamantium.

Lance aka Guardian

Lance consists of speed, enhanced healing and strength as well as senses. Lance can take his opponents abilities/powers along with fighting style.

Has vibranium claws that retract into his fingers and his spine is covered in Adamantium.

The two siblings know any and all language and fighting styles, know most things about technology and science and all that.

The two seem to be unstoppable. Hydra really hit the jackpot with these two.


The siblings had another successful mission and were on there way back to the base when a S.H.I.L.E.D. Jet was hot on their trail and before the know it the were headed straight for the middle of the ocean.

That's the last time the two were seen alive. No one dared to look for them in the depths of the unknown ocean. Hydra was mad about their lost puppets but soon moved on to their new ones.

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