Headcannons and such! :D

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Noah X Cody
Alejandro X Tyler
Izzy X Eva
Heather X Lindsay
Justin X Trent
Gwen X Courtney
Harold X Leshawna
Geoff X Bridgette
DJ X Katie
Chef X Chris
Heather and Cody are siblings.
Bridgette and Geoff are dating.
Bridgette is the mom friend.
Ezekiel isn't a zombie yet.
Cody's parents are abusive and homophobic.
Noah has six siblings.
Harold still has Leshawna Jr.
Trent didn't really love Gwen when they dated.
Sexualities and genders:
Noah: Gay, Cis
Cody: Bisexual, Trans Male
Alejandro: Was bisexual but is now gay, Cis
Tyler: Bisexual, Cis
Izzy: Pansexual, Cis
Eva: Lesbian, Demi Girl
Heather: Bisexual, Cis
Lindsay: Was straight but is now lesbian, Cis
Justin: Gay, Cis
Trent: Bisexual, Cis
Gwen: Bisexual, Cis
Courtney: Lesbian, Cis
Harold: Straight, Trans Male
Leshawna: Straight, Cis, Ally
Duncan: Straight, Cis, Homophobic
Ezekiel: Asexual, Trans Male
Beth: Straight, Cis, Ally
DJ: Straight, Cis, Ally
Chris: Pansexual, Cis
Chef: Straight but gay for Chris, Cis
Bridgette: Bisexual, Cis
Geoff: Straight, Cis, Ally
Owen: Bisexual, Cis
Katie: Lesbian, Cis
Sadie: Lesbian, Cis
Sierra: Straight, Cis, Ally-ish

If I missed anything, please let me know!

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