New Years

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(i'll say when to play the song)

There will be some Rusame, Canmex and FrUK in this oneshot

-Third Person POV-

There were crashes and thuds heard throughout the house. "AUSSIE GET YOUR DAMN CRITTERS OUT THE HOUSE." a blue, red, and white man yelled who is known as UK or Britain. "C'mon dad they're harmless!" Australia, also called Aussie by family yelled back from upstairs.

It was December 31st, and the English family was struggling to get ready in time to head out for the New years countdown. Canada seemed to be the only relaxed person right now, he was the only person ready to leave. He stood near the front door car keys in his hands and was scrolling on his phone ignoring all the chaos going on.

America was helping New Zealand put her top on as she couldn't do it herself, and Aussie was getting lectured by his father about having his animals in the house.

And France could be seen trying to calm UK down so they could head out of the house in time.

America and New Zealand could be seen coming down the stairs after about 5 minutes and France had convinced UK to let the animal thing go this time. The family was finally ready to leave the house.

"It took you guys long enough, it's already 10:22pm." Canada said while stepping into the family car. "Well if your brother did-" UK wasn't able to finish his sentence due to getting a smack on the head from France. Who's lap he was sitting on by the way since there wasn't enough space in the car and he was the shortest out of the two of them.

"What did I say! mon amour (my love), you really need to learn how to let things go!" France said in a displeased tone. UK just stayed quiet, he really didn't want to argue with his wife right now.

America snickered from the back seat where he sat with the two twins, "Yeah, what mom said old man.", "Damn you America I swear i'll-" UK was once stopped again mid sentence after he got a glare from France which shut him up real quick. France really wasn't the type to deal with her husbands crap so she would stop him from anytime he would start something up.

"Amérique (America), don't taunt your father and please apologize." France said sweetly. "Okay okay, sorry dad."

"You better be sorry." Britain muttered under his breath. "What was that mon amour (my love)?" France asked him. Britain quickly told France it was nothing and was silent the entire car ride, he didn't want another lecture from his wife at that moment.

(I think UK might be a bottom lol)

The car ride was mostly normal other than that, America and Canada chatted as he drove and the twins conversed with each other as usual. France kept herself busy by braiding her husbands hair until they had arrived, which he secretly loved. (I love writing FrUK fluff I can't-)

Once they arrived at UN's house, where the New years countdown was being held. They all got out of the car and headed inside. Since UN's house had a very big backyard it was perfect for setting off fireworks so he would normally be the one to host.

Once the family stepped inside you could see many different countries, some in groups others sitting in a corner alone.

Canada went off to find Mexico and Ukraine, the twins went off with each other somewhere, and France was currently dragging UK to stop him from leaving.

That left America all alone, so he decided to walk around in order to find countries he knew. It didn't take him long to find a group of countries at a table playing some games. At said table sat South Korea, China, Poland, Brazil, Russia, and Japan. 

Countryhuman OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ