A brother who understands 💖

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(It's been 3 months since Brozone helped rescue Floyd from the ex-superstars velvet and veneer and he seemed to be healing— and by healing I mean physically.. not mentally- so to clear his mind he asked one person who knew him well.. one person who would be their throughout this journey 24/7.. and his name.. was Branch)

Floyd: hey- are you busy? (he stood outside his bedroom)

Branch: oh no no! I'm just watching a show called shimmer and shine here and I absolutely love it!!

Floyd: oh that's great <:] (he went in and sat on his bed) wait is that show for little girls or do you really like it?

Branch: I really LOVE IT!!

Floyd: oh great ^ ^ I won't tell anyone if you don't want me too

Branch: thank you.. :)

(Branch looked at his pink and white streaked hair)

Branch: looks like your hairs getting a bit better

Floyd: hm- I guess so..

Branch: you alright?

Floyd: yeah yeah— I guess so..

(Branch put a hand on Floyd's back and patted it)

Branch: if it's something trauma wise trust me I'll understand 😅 you can talk to me bro just know that :) okay??

Floyd: (he breathed deep) your right your absolutely right.. look can I be honest with you 

Branch: of course ^ ^

Floyd: okay.. I keep having nightmares about velvet and veneer— well mainly velvet and I keep dreaming about.. about.. what if they killed me you know?

Branch: oh..

Floyd: yeah and I don't know what to do about it like obviously I know I can talk to you and brozone and poppy and viva— oh and boom

Branch: mhm 

Floyd: can you help..??

Branch: i can always help :) what do you need help with tho

Floyd: well I've been having trouble sleeping soo-

Branch: SAY NO MORE ILL MAKE TEA (he ran to the kitchen)

Floyd: WAIT WHAT??! (he ran after him)

(He was already preparing the calming tea for him while Floyd came panting like a dog)

Floyd: h-how.. how do you run this fast!?

Branch: when your a survivalist you gotta prepare them legs just incase you gotta RUN RUN RUN (he laughed) 

(Floyd laughed too)

Floyd: so what kind of tea you making for me

Branch: just a bit of chamomile tea :)

Floyd: does it taste good??

Branch: mhm it helps with insomnia too I have this one friend Alblaze who had a sleep problem so me and the rest of kismet helped him out :) let's just saaay he slept like a baby that night 😂

Floyd: glad to hear he's doing okay now :)

Branch: he is ^ ^ (the tea machine made a little ding) ooh teas done :D (he took the mug and gave it to Floyd) gotta wait a bit so you don't burn your tounge okay??

Floyd: got it 😁

Branch: wanna listen to some music?? (He pulled out a small boombox)

Floyd: sure (he took a sip of the tea) ooh that's really good 

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