♪ Branch's sweetest memory of Floyd ♪

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[[picture it.. brozone was done practicing for a show.. aka branch's first ever show]]

JD: alright we need to get this show in place for branch's first show alright 

All except branch: yep!!

Clay: this is gonna be the best show ever with a lot of people lining up chanting his name BABY BRANCH! BABY BRANCH!

Floyd: bro chill I'm pretty sure this show will be better with bitty b in the show as well.. but you take your imaginations to a while other level

Clay: I know hehe~ anyways.. YALL WANNA BINGE WATCH??

All except branch: HECK YEAH!!

Clay: LETS DO IT..! Branch what about you *he looks at branch*

*baby branch was shaking in the back*

Clay: uhh y'all timeout branch doesn't look so good..

JD: are you alright bitty b??

*branch shakes his head*

Floyd: are you scared..?

*branch nodded and opened his tiny little arms like he wanted a hug badly especially from floyd*

Floyd: aww— here we go *he picks up little branch and hugged him*

*young branch started to sob on his shoulder while hugging him with his small tiny little arms*

Spruce: oh god— looks like he really needed comfort 

Clay: I probably scared him with my yelling now i feel bad :(

JD: is it like a panic attack or something..?

Floyd: probably like the ones I get *he also pats his back*

Branch: I-I'm j-just scared w-w-what if t-they don't l-l-like me-?

Floyd: shh it's alright.. they'll love you.. I promise 

Clay: did I scare you with my yelling..? *he seemed worried like all this was his fault*

Branch: n-no..

Clay: great *he sighed with relief*

Spruce: yeah they'll love you like we do-! *he sees a blanket* hey bitty b I got a blanket wanna take a nap with Floyd~? *he wraps the blanket around him*

*baby branch nodded and almost dozed off.. it almost looked like he was scared to make his favorite brother uncomfortable*

Floyd: hey hey if you wanna rest then you rest bitty b.. just know that when you wake up I'll be here *he walked around the pod to make branch comfortable and sleepy*

*baby branch yawns*

Jd: I should turn off the lights *he dimmed the lights*

*floyd sat down on the bed with baby branch still in his arms*

Floyd: sweet dreams baby bro *he had a warm smile on his face*

*he rocked young branch back and forth until branch knocked out.. after a few minutes soft snores can be heard from him*

Floyd: aww~ he looks so adorable when he sleeps *he kisses branch's forehead*

Spruce: I'm pretty tired too if I'm being honest *he sits next to Floyd* 

*they all laid down on bed*

Jd and clay: same

*after a few minutes John and clay knocked out*

Spruce: that was fast—

*floyd chuckled*

*they moved the 2 sleeping boys next to them so they wouldn't fall off*

Floyd: do you think I'm a good brother for branch.."

Spruce: of course— your probably the best influence for branch..

*floyd smiled widely*

Floyd: thank you.. I'm glad to hear that

Spruce: anytime lil bro.. anyways ima rest here if you don't mind 

Floyd: sure 👍

Spruce: well.. night :)

*spruce then slept next to floyd with his head drooping onto his*

Floyd: well today was crazy but.. I'm glad I got to help you out bitty b *he held branch's small little hand*

*branch then smiled a little in his sleep like he heard floyd and made small cute sleep sounds*

Floyd: aww this is why I love you— night baby bro.. hope you feel better tomorrow 

*floyd then slept while hugging branch*

[[Now it's just all of brozone sleeping on the same bed.. John and clay laying next to spruce and each other .. spruce and Floyd sleeping close to each other.. and baby branch just resting on Floyd's chest]]


Branch: so yeah that's what happened basically.. it makes me feel idk emotional thinking about it

Clay: oh yeah that memory.. I was so scared cause I thought I made you cry— *he laughed*

Poppy: that was sooo wholesome!! I loved that story!! Floyd was soo sweet back then

Branch: he was.. he really really was

JD: this might sound baby-ish but that memory still has a special place in my heart *he smiled*

Spruce: same 👍

Branch: well glad you liked it *he smiled* i wonder if Floyd will remember it and love it as much as I do *he looked down with a little bit of hope getting away*

Poppy: I'm pretty sure he will 💓

*she Held branch's hands and caressed them*

Branch: that feels nice— 

JD: anyways should we continue driving??

Poppy and branch: sounds good :) 

Spruce: let's go save our brother from those dollar general bendy dolls >:D

Clay: best joke I heard *he burst out laughing*

Poppy: *she snickers* classic-

JD: alright Floyd here we comeee!

Poppy: let's goo!!

Branch: YEAHH!!

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