the show without floyd

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JD: so what's the plan??

Branch: we need to band together to sing the perfect family harmony..

Branch: which means we have to practice like a pre-show

Poppy: but we don't have Floyd

Branch: which is why~ *he gives her very own pink vest*

Poppy: no way.. 

Clay: you want her to come on stage with us..? I'm in for it! She has great vocals!

Spruce: I agree!

JD: OOH HOLD UP *he runs to get a old box*

*John Dory comes back with a cardboard box,  blows the dust off, and opens it up to reveal their old band outfits* 

JD: tadaa!! Maybe we could wear these 

Spruce: but won't they not fit us??

JD: we could try them 

Spruce: alright then—

Clay: oh no way!! *he picks up his neon yellow vest* I thought I'd never see these again!! *he hugs the vest tightly* luckily I still have my wristbands to match :)

Spruce: *he sees his old vest and takes it out* aww I missed my old vest— it brings back too much memories *tears were forming while he hugged his vest also*

Branch: are you crying— *he side hugged him*

Spruce: ... maybe—! *he cries in the vest while hugging him*

Branch: there there.. I know it sucked to throw all that good nostalgia away

Poppy: wait what's this.. *she sees a diaper and white round glasses*

*she snickers*

Branch: what is it..?

*poppy holds the items and turns around with a excited face*

Branch: OHHH NO—!

*spruce got his face out of the vest and laughs when he saw the items*

Spruce: you know what you gotta do—! *he laughs still*

Branch: I think I'd rather have someone knock me out—

Clay: just try it maybe it won't even fit.. like he said *he points at John while he stood there with 2 thumbs up and a goofy smile on his face*

Poppy: I'm with it *she giggles*

Branch: hmm..

JD: so~

Branch: screw it I'm only doing this for Floyd and Floyd only

JD: got it!! 


*and indeed a montage it was.. jd was putting on his vest, clay had his 2 bottles of hairspray on him and sprayed away, and spruce put his vest on.. while struggling— and poppy put her vest over her dress*


Spruce: AUGH— CLAY WHY SO MUCH HAIRSPRAY *his eyes were watery due to it getting in his eyes*

Clay: do you know how long it takes to get this perfection on??

Spruce: looking like a whole broccoli, leek, cucumber, and celery combined no I wonder how long

*clay crossed his arms and put a pouty face on*

Clay: thank you sooo much *sarcasm could be told easily*

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