Mr. Mackerel this is my friend Asia, Asia this is Mr. Mackerel my boss...

Nice to meet you Ms. Asia! You are friends with a very lucky man.

I'm starting to think so! I smiled looking up at TY.

TY can I talk to you for a minute? Mr. Mackerel smiled walking away putting his arm around his neck.

You look absolutely beautiful! The girl smiled in front of me.

Thank you too.

Carter know you here?

I'm sorry who are you?

Nina! We met a few weeks back you gave me the wine at the hotel.

Oh okay....

Just asking cause I didn't expect to see you here with that handsome ass man! He is fine girl! Thought Carter would of had his wife on lock.

Me and my husband relationship isn't any of your business. And I'm allowed to have friends. You know what every time you see me you mention my husband. If you some bitch that's fuckin him just say that and keep that shit between you and him. Cause next time I not gone be so nice. I gotta 17 right here and I don't go no where without it.

Ready to eat? TY asked coming back over to me smiling hard.

Yes, I'm starving! I smiled wrapping my arm back around his. He took me to a table that had our names on it with a few of his friends. He introduced me to everyone and their wife's.

I guess it pays off to have a beautiful lady by your side for good luck. Ty said smiling as we walked through the garden lights.

Why you say that?! I asked as I sipped my champagne.

Mr. Mackerel is a billion dollar investor. He offered me a couple million for a independent contract without the company. I had a hard time getting in contact with him. He said he seen my work and really was impressed and love it and made me an offer.

Wow TY that's amazing oh my god I'm so happy for you! I hugged him tight.

Thank you! I say it's cause of you, your beauty blinded him. You my good luck charm. And you better not call me Jagged Edge! He said laughing.

I wasn't but now I am! I laughed hugging him again. "But seriously that's really dope I'm so proud and happy for you. You deserve it!"

Thank you, thank you!

Your welcome. I hope you had a great time tonight!

I did thank you, it was very much needed.

Glad I could make you smile.

And you did.

Let me know you got home safely?!

Of course I will. Have a good night TY. He opened my car door and I kissed his cheek.

You have a better night Asia. He smirked closing my car door.

I pulled up to the front of my house. I didn't wanna park in the back today I was gonna park in the front and use the front door. I got out the car digging my keys out my clutch. I jumped at the sight of Carter sitting on my porch. He was pissed off dressed in all black with his hood on his head. He licked his lips and stood up. He shoved a phone in my hands and it was a picture of me kissing TY on his cheek as he held my waist. He licked his lips and nodded his head.

What's this?

You tell me Asia.

What you suppose to be mad or something? It's only one person who could of sent this to you. The bitch Nina you been fuckin. And I know you been fuckin her cause she makes it her fuckin business to say something about you every time and tonight she called you Carter. Mr. I don't cheat. I shoved the phone back into his chest.

If you had another Nigga you could of just said that!

If I had another nigga? He's literally just a friend! When y'all Niggas don't have shit else to fuckin say y'all wanna throw bullshit in a bitch face. Nigga you ruined my life and wanna play victim! My daughter got token away from me because of you! I lost my career cause of you! I'm married and still a single fuckin parent because of you! Fuck you Carter! FUCK YOU!

Fuck me? Fuck me?!

Yeah nigga fuck you! I ain't never did shit but loved you from the beginning. And what you do to me huh? You was so sweet and loving and everything I could of wished for in a min under the sun than you just turned around out of nowhere cause you got some new pussy and showed yo true colors. I wish you would of showed them in the beginning cause I wouldn't of NEVER married yo ass.

You know what I did! I did fuck up. I can't even tell you what the fuck made me even fuck up but I did. And that shit had me thinking maybe the grass greener on the other side. Maybe we did get married to fast. I love you to death and seeing you with the next man made me realize a lot.

Should of been realized the grass ain't greener on the other side. I pushed past him and went into the house.

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