Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov;
"Inmate number 07," I open my eyes from resting them while being on a boat for nine hours. I stared at a guard with a scar on his face. "I'm Hajime Sugoroku, I'll be in charge of you until your six year sentence is over." I didn't say a word, plus I can't move since I'm chained down. Hajime walked towards me and pulls out some keys from his pocket. He crouched down and unlocked the chains on me. The chains fell off of me except the handcuffs around my wrist. "Get up and follow me.".

I get up from my seat and followed  behind Hajime.

Hajime's pov;
"This is the inmate I'm getting? Tb/n's information about him being a back talker and violent isn't what I'm seeing from him. Maybe, the guards In charge of him were lying about him just to get rid of him." I thought. I looked over my shoulder to look at him as he looks around. "Somethings off about him but I'll keep my eye out." I turn my head back and continue walking ahead.

~Cell 13~

"Cell 13, new cellmate. You play nice  with him and no fighting." I said. I took off number 07's handcuffs then opened the cell door. Number 07 walks in without saying a word. He looks around the cell then looks back at me with a confused look. "What is it?" I walk into the room and saw the inmates gone. "God damn it, you four not again!".

Y/n's pov;
I looked around for my cellmates then felt something wet hit my cheek. I wiped it off with my hand then looked up to see four people hanging on the beams of the ceiling. They smiled nervously at me.

I looked back at Hajime and tapped on his arm. Hajime looks at me and I pointed up. He looks up at the ceiling.

"What the fuck!? Get down right now inmates!" Hajime shouted.

"Fine," They said.

Right when I was about to move, those people fell ontop of me and I hit the ground. These people were laying ontop of me as they groaned from the pain. It didn't hurt me hitting the ground or them laying on me. I can't feel pain since the accident and cage fights.

"Inmates get up, your crushing your new cellmate." Hajime said.

"Oops, sorry."

Everyone slowly got off of me and I slowly got up as someone grabbed my left arm and helped me up to my feet. I looked to my left. It was a guy with a dark skin tone, green hair, a red eye, a orange uniform and a inmate number tag with 1325 on it.

"Sorry, we landed on you. I'm Nico.".

"I need to play as my brother, and cover for him and not give myself away... Little brother, you owe me big time for this ." I thought. "Tb/n," I look at the other inmates.

"Sorry about early, I'm Uno." He offered to shake my hand so I grabbed his hand and shaked it back.

"Why were you four hanging on the ceiling?" I asked.

The four chuckled nervously. "We thought you were a murderer." Nico said.

"But I'm not." I said.

"I told you Inmates that Inmates who are sentenced with murder charges are in another building." Hajime said.

"Anyways I'm Rock, I hope we didn't hurt you.".

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