~9~ Instincts

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"You're mine, Alec. You're my mate," I growl into his ear.

Finally, finally, he knows. I can stop holding myself back. Now Alec knows that he belongs with me, and Ty can go fuck himself.

I knew that I smelled my mate back when I walked into that supermarket. I almost cancelled on my dad and that meeting with the new humans that moved here to search for him, but luckily I didn't. The second my eyes landed on Alec inside his house, I wanted nothing more than to mount him right then and there. It took every ounce of restraint that I had to hold myself back.

Of course Alec had to be from Maine; the state with the smallest werewolf population. It was obvious that my mate was not the biggest fan of werewolves. That's why I didn't want to tell him immediately that he was mine. I wanted him to get to know me and realize that werewolves aren't bad. Well, most werewolves aren't bad.

The plan to wait didn't last as long as I would have liked it to. My restraint kept slipping every time I saw Alec's cute face, with his big glasses and grabbable hair. Every time I smelled him, peppermint and strawberries flooding my senses and going straight to my dick. Every time I saw his bare shoulder screaming at me to mark him. I almost did mark him by accident in the middle of the gymnasium.

And now he knows.

"What the hell, dude?!" Alec yells in my ear.

I relent to his persistent pushing, pulling away from him.

"I am NOT your mate!"

I narrow my eyes at him. "Yes, you are."

Ava clears her throat. "Uhh, I'll leave you two to talk. Have fun, Nash," she says, grabbing her backpack and promptly walking back towards the school building.

Alec scoots away from me on the bench. "You're high!" he yells. "I am not destined to be some werewolf's boyfriend."

My eyes roll subconsciously. "Werewolf's boyfriend? That's not what you are. You're my mate."

"Whatever dude, you're wrong. I'm not anything to you," he states, crossing his arms.

I struggle to keep my anger in check. I would never hurt my mate, not in a bad way, but this attitude of his gets on my nerves sometimes. It makes me want to lay him over my lap and discipline him, to wrap my hands around his neck and show him who's the alpha, to pound him until he can't walk for a week.

But humans are fragile. I can't lose control.

"Let's get one thing straight," I growl, "You're mine, and I'm your alpha. You need to start listening to me."

"Like hell I do, and stop saying that! I'm not yours."

I slide closer to him on the bench. "Yes, you are. And I think you know it."

Alec flinches when I lift my hand up and reach for him, but he doesn't pull away. His eyes trace my movements as I reach around his head and rest my hand on the back of his neck. As soon as it comes in contact with his skin, he lets out a small gasp and closes his eyes. Humans can't feel the mate bond as well as werewolves do, but that doesn't mean they don't feel it at all. Touch is usually the most responsive way to feel it.

I squeeze lightly. His warm skin below my hand is making me want more. He whimpers quietly at the sudden pressure, so quiet that I don't think it would even be audible to me without my werewolf hearing. But, I do hear it, and I force myself to drop my hand before he makes me mount him right here over this bench.

He opens his eyes and looks up at me. We stare at each other for a few seconds, both of us breathing heavily.

"Told you," I say, my voice sounding gruffer than usual. "I know you can feel it."

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