Four - Mesmerised

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Colin looked in the mirror and fixed his suit, he was grateful for just a plain black tuxedo without the bow tie. Phillip preferred an open top collar and a silk blue hanker-chief sticking out from the top pocket. It was too hot to have such a restrictive thing around their necks.

Colin wasn't focusing all morning. He still couldn't get Penelope from his thoughts. Why was he so bothered?

As everyone surrounded Philip, it was clear to see how happy he was. Colin was so grateful that Eloise found someone who loves her so much. He really did treat Eloise with so much respect and love. They were constantly travelling, and practically lived in each other's pockets, but it worked for them.

The guest list was slot for a foreign wedding. One guest he knew was Lily, Eloise became rather friendly with her during their relationship. They had kept in contact, and she helped her with some travel arrangements over the past year. Eloise obviously requested Colin's permission first, but he wasn't bothered. They had seen each other a few times since their breakup, but it was just casual. He didn't have any feelings towards her.

He didn't want to use her as a distraction, but it might be needed. They had spoke before the wedding and agreed since they were both single, whatever happens in Italy... stays in Italy. It was a mutual agreement, after Colin broke it off with Lily she promised she would never go back there, except for the odd comfort sex. They had met up on different occasions just for a quickie and then she'd leave straight after. It was serving them both, so he didn't think that this would be any different. He could use Lily to keep his mind from Penelope. At least while she was here, however, her being next door would certainly cause issues. What if she heard him? Or worse.. what if she had someone and he heard them?

God he couldn't think of anything worse.

As the men got to the bottom of the stairs they awaited the bridesmaids to meet them.

Violet was walking Eloise down the aisle out of request. Anthony was a little butt hurt, but Eloise wanted her mum. Colin could understand, Violet was the most amazing person on the planet, she was especially calm. And that is the type of presence that Eloise needed, Anthony would surely just annoy her beyond anything else.

Daphne walked down first and she looked fantastic, then Francesca, and then Hyacinth. Colin waited anxiously, and the others all joined their partners.

"Penelope's just coming Colin, she's just settling Eloise."

Then he heard her coming down the marble staircase. He saw her legs first, the slit of the dress slightly rested against her thigh as she walked down. He had never seen her in that colour of blue, he had never seen her like this, ever. Benedict and Anthony wolf whistled as she walked down.

"Now now boys."

Penelope said playfully as she reached the last step. She walked towards Colin, and he couldn't keep his eyes from hers. If he looked anywhere else, he was afraid he would have to excuse himself.

She grabbed his arm, and smiled up towards him.

"Ready Bridgerton?"

She said as settled into his side.

"Penelope I think you've beguiled our young Colin."

Benedict said from behind, Penelope just dropped her head in laughter.

"Shut up Ben."

Colin quickly snapped.

But he was right. Everything about her was mesmerising.

Her hair floated against her bare back, and her body, well... that was a complete knockout. She was gorgeous, and curvy in all the right places, Colin always thought that's how a woman should be. She was perfect. How on earth hadn't he noticed this before? Benedict was behind them, and Colin quickly growled at him, Benedict was constantly nudging his back for him to open his mouth towards Penelope.

Never be the same.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن