A break from everything-Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

Then there was one. Eri. "Hey Eri, why are you here?" he asked a bit confused. Eri was usually staying with Aizawa, she only met his Aunt around five times. "Aizawa has been busy with festival? I don't know" she said. Her speech was so cute. "Oh? How's Adan and Yuzu been treating you? I know Adan's nine and Yuzu's six but I hope you're getting along with them" he smiled. Eri was seven now. "I am! We're playing video games" Eri pointed to the console system. "Oh really? Do you guys want to head out for food? Maybe get a few toys?" he asked. All of them yelled in excitement as he put Eri on his head and grabbed the other two's hands. 

They started to walk to the front door until his Aunt stopped them. "Where do you four think you're going?" she asked. "Uncle Izuku's taking us to the mall!" Yuzu yelled. "Oh really? Izuku make sure they have fun" she smiled. "Of course I will" he opened the door and left the house. "Maybe I need to meet this 'Momo' girl sometime." she thought.

When the four were at the mall the kids were in awe and instantly wanted to start running around. "Hey you three, stay close to me! I don't want you guys getting lost alright?" he smiled. "Fine" Adan rolled his eyes. "How's Kota been doing? I know Midnight adopted him" Midoriya looked at Eri as they started to walk to a toy store. "Kota said he was traumatizyed or something. I don't know how to pronounce it" Eri shrugged. "I bet he is" he sighed.

They walked in and he put Eri down. "Each of you can pick out three toys alright? Any kind is fine" he let go of their hands and let the three run free in the store. It was a small store so he figured it would be fine. "Sound like a busy day huh?" the lady at the cash register smiled. "Oh, uhm yeah. They're really energetic" he smiled. After three minutes or so, he thought it was strange that they didn't come back. He said goodbye to the lady and walked around the store for a bit. "Eri!? Yuzu!? Adan?" he yelled a bit confused and worried. He walked around and then heard a loud commotion coming from a side of the store. He ran there to see what was going on, but he was instantly confused. He saw the three kids... and Momo plus Jirou? He walked closer to see a man in shady clothes holding onto Adan. "If you don't give me the girls I'll kill this kid!" he yelled. Midoriya instantly grew into anger, ran behind the man, and used OFA 5% to punch him into a row of toys. The man instantly got knocked out and Adan ran to Midoriya. "U-Uncle..." he whispered. "Hey, hey now. It's alright?" he rubbed the kid's back. "Now, why are you two here?" he looked confused as to why the two of his classmates were covering Yuzu and Eri.

"Midoriya? W-Well we actually came here because Aizawa wanted us to find decorations for our class's restaurant, but we heard a noise over here and this guy was trying to take Eri and this other girl." Jirou explained. "We instantly recognized her" Momo whispered, a bit shocked to see Midoriya here. "Oh thank god you two were here. My Aunt would've killed me if I let anything happen to these three" Midoriya sighed as Eri and Yuzu ran behind him like Adan.

"Now... why are you skipping school with... children?" Jirou looked suspicious. "Don't look at me like that!?" he yelled. "Oh god, look at this mess!" An employee yelled as Izuku jumped in surprise. "Time to go!" he yelled and grabbed Momo's hand pushing the kids out of the store. They ran and laughed before stopping in front of a burger joint. "You guys wanna eat here?" he asked and the kids nodded. "What about you two?" he looked at Jirou and Momo. "Hey! We're not even supposed to be going anywhere besides looking for decorations!? Plus isn't it a bad look for the student-council president to be skipping school!" Jirou yelled, being the Tsundere she was. "Chill out, yes or no?" he asked once again. "It's fine Jirou, he probably has a reason. He always does." Momo smiled which made Midoriya blush. Jirou noticed this and smirked. "I guess I can take a quick break..." Jirou thought. Izuku nodded as they walked in. "Table for six?" Midoriya asked the waiter as they nodded. Then the odd group of people walked to the table.

"So?" Jirou asked. "Oh right. So basically I woke up late... and decided to visit my Aunt. Then I wanted to go to the mall to hang out with these three" Midoriya ruffled up Adan's hair. "Hey! I'm gonna punch you!" he yelled. "Sureeee" Midoriya smirked. Momo's heart instantly had a stroke. "That's the reason why? To hang out with his family? That's... that's so sweet" Momo had a visible blush that Midoriya was too blind to see. "I don't like him, my ass. Momo you're blushing like a madman right now" Jirou thought and leaned her hand on her face. "What do you guys want to order?" asked the waiter. "Can I get the burger meal?" Midoriya asked. "I want the burger meal too!" Adan yelled. "Oh really? That's a big boy meal Adan, you think you can handle it?" he smirked. "I can too! I have guts of steel!" Adan flexed his muscles. "Those are baby guns, but sure" Midoriya shrugged. "HEY! You can't do any better!" Adan yelled as the others ordered. Momo was just watching Midoriya in awe. "Midoriya would be a great father." she thought but mentally slapped herself thinking about how weird that was. "Yeah sure buddy, look at these guns right here" Izuku smirked and flexed his arm. It was quite toned and muscular. "No fair! You have a sleeper build! That's cheating!" Adan yelled. Momo just sat there, blushing beyond repair. Him acting like a father and showing off his muscles was too much for her. Jirou smirked even more. "You like this side of Midoriya don't you~" Jirou whispered to Momo. "N-No! I uhm... I think It's very cute for President to be less formal and-" Momo stopped talking and sighed. She couldn't even explain herself.

The food arrived and they started to eat. "Momo-chan" Eri whispered to her. "Hmm dear? What's wrong?" she asked. "Where Is Ochako..." Eri mumbled. Momo froze. Izuku heard this and froze as well. "Ochako cheated on Midoriya" Jirou responded. "JIROU!?" Momo yelled. "You can't say that to a child!?" Midoriya yelled as well. Eri frowned "B-But... why? W-Who's m-my mom now?..." she started tearing up. "There there, Momo can be your mom now" Jirou wiped her tears. Momo and Midoriya blushed heavily. "Huh!" Midoriya whispered. "Really!? Momo will you be my new mom! I don't want daddy Izuku to be sad..." Eri clung onto Momo. "W-What!? M-Me? I-I..." Momo looked at Midoriya who was blushing which made her gain her confidence. "Of course... I'll be your Moma and Midoriya can be your dad" she smiled. "Yay!" Eri yelled. "You should be me and Yuzu's mom then and this wimp can be our dad as well." Adan shoved Midoriya. "I'm gonna fu- I mean I'm gonna beat you up" Midoriya stopped his sentence. "Now say it! 'I'll be daddy Izuku's wife!'" Yuzu smiled. "W-What!" Midoriya was in shock once again. He knew there was no way a proper girl like Momo would say that. "I-I'll be d-daddy Izuku's wife..." Momo whispered.

Izuku and Jirou just sat there in silence before Jirou started bursting out into laughter. "Now say 'Thank you daddy Izuku for letting me be your wife!'" Eri patted Momo's shoulder. "T-These kids!" she thought. "T-Thank you d-daddy I-Izuku for letting me be your w-wife..." Momo mumbled and looked away. Midoriya's brain was fried at this point. "Y-You're welcome Momo..." he blushed at her cute behavior around kids. "Momo would make a great mom" he thought. "These two would make great parents," Jirou thought.

After a while, they finished, Jirou and Momo waved to the three since they had to leave early. "You guys want to head back to Auntie's now?" he asked. "Mhm! I'm gonna play with my new toys" Yuzu smiled.

~With Momo and Jirou~

"Pfft, 'daddy Izuku'" Jirou teased her friend. "KYOKA I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" Momo yelled. "You're not acting vice-president like~" Jirou smiled. "Ugh!!! I hate this! Why do the strangest things happen when I'm with Izuku" she frowned. "Maybe because you two act like a couple and you haven't even started fake dating yet" Jirou shrugged. "We do not!" Momo yelled. "So why did the kids want you to be their mom and not me?" Jirou asked. "W-Well... uhm" Momo thought. Jirou was right. "See, told you. You guys should date already and drop this whole stupid 'make our exes jealous' plan. It's stupid" Jirou rolled her eyes. "No, it's not... Todoroki deserves to feel pain and jealousy." Momo whispered. Jirou looked at Momo and sighed. "You two are just going to hurt yourselves more than them if one of you falls in love. And you know that" Jirou thought. "Yeah, go for it. I'll help you but I still have a bad feeling about this whole dumb plan" Jirou shrugged as the two walked back into the classroom with the decorations. "Dumb?... Is this really pointless?" Momo thought.

Chapter 10, END

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