Christmas and New Year Special: No Return Policy

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For the love of Aeons, how did she even manage to convince him to go on a walk with her? This is stupid

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For the love of Aeons, how did she even manage to convince him to go on a walk with her? This is stupid. Utterly stupid.

He let out a slight grumble as he walked next to her, stuffing his hands into his coat pocket, feeling the numbness of his hands from the cold. The furred coat he is wearing is not helping him at all!

Aside from that, the festivity and the bright, colorful lights of the festival disgusted him to no end. The only thing that helped him cope with it was her presence next to him.

He glanced at the silvery white-haired woman next to him. He took notice of the way her cheeks had turned rosy red from the cold and how the snow fluttered down on her head, almost becoming a part of her hair. Her violet eyes filled with awe as she glanced around, taking in the festive scenery.

He interlocked his own hand with her warm, soft hand before shoving them into his pocket in an attempt to warm up.

"Blade, look!" She pointed excitedly at the enormous evergreen tree decorated with luminous, colorful lights. A huge, golden star adorned its pointed head. A huge snowman with a red scarf wrapped around its neck sat under the tree's snowy shade.

The last thing he was expecting was to deal with the yuletide mood. He didn't sign up for this.

"What a hideous tree." He retorted.

"Hideous? It's beautiful!" She giggled, still admiring the tree. She was too focused on the tree to even notice her hand locked with his in his pocket.

"It's hideous."

"Nuh uh! And look at the snowman, it's cute!"

"It's hideous." He repeated for the second time.

"Blade!" She exclaimed.

"What?" He asked with an innocent look on his face. After a moment, he said, "You're right. It's not hideous. It's horrendous."

"Nuh uh! It's cute! Just like you!" She smiles at him.

He turned his head away from her with a grumpy expression on his face. "Hmph."

He gripped her hand tightly in his pocket, startling her slightly.

"Are you cold?"

He found her concern about his wellbeing adorable and he was tempted to pull her closer to hug her. However, he kept his neutral, stoic expression on his face and replied, "Yes. I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose my hand at this rate."

She tilted her head slightly. "You're exaggerating." He let go of her hand, letting her wrap her arms around him, trying to warm him up. "Better?"

"Not really. Do me a favor, will you?"

She looked up at him, her eyes filled with curiosity. "What is it?"

He stared down at her. "Hold me tightly and pull me closer to you. Let me feel your warmth."

She tighten her arms around him. Blade felt her warm embrace around him, causing him to wrap his arms around her as well, trying to get as close as possible and to block out the cold.

"Much better." He mumbled grumpily.

"You're so grumpy."

"I can be even more grumpy if you like." He retorted, letting out a scoff.

She smiles. "I rather you not."

A comfortable silence fell upon them as they stay there in each other's embrace.

"What would you like for Christmas?" She suddenly asked.

Blade suddenly froze when he heard the question. It catches him off guard as he did not the question from her. He remained silent for a bit, thinking. He finally spoke, not fully convinced that she is asking him in earnest. "Death."

Her eyes widen in disbelief. "I can't give you that." She shook her head. "Besides, even if I could, I won't give it to you."

She knew just how much he had suffered from being immortal, from the Mara that plagued him relentlessly from the time she spent with him. But still, she can't give it and won't give it to him. She can be selfish when she wants to be.

Blade snickered upon seeing her reaction. "I know. What I really want..." He trailed off. "... is you."

She blinked in surprise. "Me...?" Her gaze drifted towards the snowman again and then back to the Stellaron Hunter in front of her. "Do you want me to wrap a red bow around myself?" She asked teasingly.

The mere thought of her tied up with a red bow made him feel a bit hot under the collar but he kept a calm expression and replied in an equally teasing tone, "You would make a beautiful gift. I do hope you don't come with a return receipt."

That got her laughing. "What if I do?"

"Well, I have a no-return policy once I get my hand on something that I want." He smirked. "I would never return something as precious as you. You're stuck with me."

. . .

A/N: Merry late Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you guys enjoy reading this special chapter!

Inspired by: m1mitea on TikTok!

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