Sneha loves to read novel but her mother never allowed her to buy any novel although she was earning but her mother never let her do anything what she wants. So she started reading novel on her phone.

In the evening

It was already 8 in the evening and Sneha was sitting and waiting for Rudransh. Reeta already went back to her home.

Sneha was hungry but she wanted to eat with Rudransh because she don't like to eat alone. Although at her parents' home she used to eat alone in her room because her mother used to say that she should eat in her room because she ruins everyone's mood.

Sneha thought about her mother's word how she used to say things which she never wanted to hear from her own mother or parents. Just by thinking about it her eyes became teary but she didn't wanted to cry so she controlled her tears.

It was almost 9 pm but Rudransh was no where. Sneha was getting worried because her mother-in-law told her that he usually comes at 7 p.m. but it's already 9 p.m.

Sneha was not having his phone number because they didn't got time to exchange their number. She was getting worried her overthinking mind was thinking all negative scenario. She started walking in the room. She was just staring at the clock.

It was 9:30 p.m. and her heart was beating at a very fast speed. Suddenly she heard the door opening sound. (He was having extra keys with him)

She wanted to run and hug him tightly but she was scared of him . She was not having guts to hug him. She didn't knew about his next action so she controlled her emotions and sat calmly on couch and started scrolling through her phone.

Rudransh came in and saw Sneha sitting on the couch and scrolling through her phone. He went towards her and say beside her. Sneha shifted slightly away from him.

Rudransh sat on the couch . He rested his head on head rest of couch. He said lazily "Sneha, bring me a glass of water"

She stood up immediately and went towards the kitchen and brought him a glass of water. She forwarded her hands and gave him the water.

Rudransh took it and drank the whole glass of water after that he went towards the room without saying anything to her.

Sneha said to herself "he is weird why can't he ask me about my day and all" did he ever asked you about yourself her inner self mocked.

At dinner table,

Sneha heated the food and arranged it on the table . At the mean time he came and saw her arranging the table. He came and sat in his chair he looked at her with questioning look.

Sneha understands his looks and said nervously "Wo...wo actually I asked Reeta didi to go because it was getting late"

Rudransh hummed and nods his head in agreement. Then Sneha sat on her chair and started serving food in her and his plate.

Rudransh saw her serving to herself so he asked " you didn't have you dinner?"

"ac... actualy I was not hungry" she said nervously. He hummed and started eating.

Sneha wanted to tell him that she didn't eat dinner because she wanted to eat with him. But she thought, what if he gets angry with her for not eating dinner and scolds her or what if he leaves his own food. So she decided to not tell him about it.

Dinner went silently. They both didn't said anything to each other.

In bedroom Sneha came and saw him working on his laptop. She arranged the pillows just like the yesterday's night.

"Umm... I'm not having your contact number" she said hesitantly while arranging pillows.

"Why do you want my contact number" he said while typing an email

Why means what...I'm his wife I want his number that's it she thought to herself

He closed her laptop and came to the bed on his side. He sat on his side while facing her side of bed whereas she was sitting on her side while facing him.

She slightly shifted backwards because the only difference between them was the pillow wall.

But he pulled her by her hands and she balanced herself on pillow wall. She looked at his eyes with shocked at nervous look.

He said looking in her eyes "you didn't tell me Sneha, why do you want my contact number"

Sneha was lost in his eyes. She was unaware of her surrounding. She was just staring at his eyes.

"Sneha, tell me were you scared for your husband" he said with his intimidating voice.

Sneha unknowingly nodded her head.

He said "you should have told me that you were scared for your husband"

"I...I .. I didn't wanted to tell you because I didn't wanted you to get mad at me" she said unknowingly lost in his eyes.

He left her hands and asked with a questioning look "you are really that very scared of me?"

The moment he left her hands she came back to reality and said " I.. I'm not scared of you" she said nervously and layed down on her side and covered herself with comforter.

he smiled when he saw her sleeping nervously and asked her "now you don't want my number"

"I..I want" she said without moving.

He laughed loudly and said"you are really scared of me, Sneha"

Sneha turned towards him when she heard him laughing. She saw him laughing for the first time.

She was just looking at his beautiful smile. How perfect he looks when he smile.

And then they both exchanged their number.

"You look different when you laugh or smile. Do it frequently it really suits you" Sneha said unknowingly with a smile on her face.

Rudransh felt awkward because he didn't smiled for almost a year and today he smiled, no he literally laughed because of his wife.
And the way she complimented him he felt different kind of feeling in his heart

"Good night" he said and covered himself with a comfortor. Sneha realised what she said just now.

She mentally slapped herself and said what's wrong with you Sneha, he'll definitely throw you from the balcony

"g.. good night" she said and layed down on her side and covered herself with a comfortor.

Thanks for reading.

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