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Kamol worried for kim cherry's word revolving around in his mind, Evan and kamol reach the address give by Cherry, she waiting for kamol out side the restaurant, They both followed cherry to upto room
They banging on and on but no one reacts without any further concern both Evan and kamol breck the door into a part

A man standing next the restroom and knocking it where kim lock himself in. Kamol hands work faster than his mind he don't know what happened to him he just grab back of jack and want s to kill him

"Where is kim" kamol shouted on him jack just pass smile to him look at washroom Evan understand the clue also he stop kamol to kill jack he push kamol a side
"We can watch him just save kim for us" Evan say

Kamol. Check every corner of the room kitchen hallway master bedroom finally he found kim but restroom door locked from inside

Kamol banging the door and he begging to kim for open the door
"Kim! Baby! Plz open the door" kamol with his crying and soft voice

"Why you are here?" Kim shouted
"Why not? I love you" kamol's soft voice breck kims stubbornness he open the door even he don't want

Kim open the door and throw himself into kamols arm, hold kim but his(Kim's) body not reacting, at the point kamol predict what's wrong going on

His leg shaking and heel landed on ground with kim he holding Kim's body into his arm and shaking little when he notice his lips and cloth which is covered into blood he looking at his hand wrist wich is have a long and deep cut
Kim half wack up and half sleepy

The world spinning around kamol. Make matter worst he know what's just going on he shouted for help hold a body of kim, try to wack him up Evan cover his wrist with towale for stop blood flow cherry already call a police and ambulance

Kamol not ready leave kim alone but Evan forcefully pull him side every one focusing on operation when it's trun red, kamol looking at his hand and panicked he not to believe he just hold Kim's bead body and blaming self for everything, fear run in his veins and his body shak up kamol not ready to accept the fact that kim will do something very bad

After an hour doctor
"He is out of danger" doctor says
"Can we meet" kamol say
"Yes, you have to make sure no one will ask nasty equations to him, that will trigger is Truma" doctor say

Kamol stop himself at door before he enters
He afrad to hurt kim one more time

A oxygen mask cover on his face, long
Bandages cover allover his hand to Stop bleeding, kamol can't see his  condition some where in us heart he blaming himself 

Evan touch kamol's shoulder
"What's next?"
"I don't know, but I can't hurt him more!" Kamol say He enter room

Hold Kim's hand softly and press it King care of his hand and not to see his bandages to cover his wound
"I will take revenge from those who hurt you I promise!" Kamol say

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