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At lunch table,  kim eating his favourite food with beer. Kim drink beer asike water he feel so exhaust

He finish his lunch and rest his head on table kamol call out his name but kim asking for more beer  kamol deny kim was drunk and sober
Kamol raise kim into his strong arm kim struggle for freedom but kamol just hold him tightly
"I hate you" kim said
"You are drunk that is not considering" kamol reply make Kim frustrated
"Why? Why Sam still in contact with you?" Kim ask Sam was kamol's ex kamol open about his past to kim because he trust him but kim feel so jelouse or something like that he use to feel like what if he was just for backup to kamol
"I blocked him infront of you" kamol reply  kim have no  point to fight with kamol, kamol is so perfect and not leaving any chances

Kamol help kim to sit at car while driving kim rest his head at window he instant fallen sleep  later on they finally arrived on there place

Kamol carefully Cary kim into his strong arm like a a very small baby and also kim look a like baby into kamol strong arm and he carefully landed on bed kim open his eyes and hold kamol hand before him leave for work
"You leave me like that? No kisses, no hugs? You tack my word to serious when I say I HATE YOU" Kim said "don't leave me alone please, kiss me like it's your last" kim continue tears flow from his eyes

Kamol lean towards kim and kiss him on his lip holding his face want to stop that moment for long
"I always and only love you, kim"  kamol looking into Kim's eyes wanna convenience derictly looking at it

When kamol looked into his eyes he try to hold his tears wich is wants to flow continuously
"I give you permission last time but you have to promise me you will never cry after that"  kamol said

Kim cry like he never did He cry until his tears dry kamol pet his head to comfort him.. kim close his eyes and fall a sleep kamol slide blanket on kim

Kamol at office some phone call him A person from another side told the situation to kamol,m as on reply he just say

Kim open his eyes at night at 9 o clock and found kamol no where his head spinning and the hangover still remains he walk at kitchen find aunty
Naini Cook for they

"Where is kamol?" Kim ask  she noticed kim look little bit sick his pale face make she worry about kim
"Mr kim, You are ok?" She ask
"Yeah! Little hangover! By the why where is kamol?"  Kim ask one more
Naini just told him that kamol will Little bit late from office due to some serious project also Naini handed a glass of laminate to overcome his hangover he drinks it any hesitation

After sometime he call cherry to submit or email him all his work
It's been late a night kim working, kamol enters but kim ingnor because he was  mad because he was late
Kim showing tantrums to kamol, kamol pin kim at bed but kim have stright expression kamol kiss him and kim can't resist even he want and melted down like ice 

Comment your favourite part, make sure you like and share and I will not able to reply every one but your comments means a lot for me also thank you for wishes 💝 I'm so glad .. 

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