After the hour and thirty minutes had passed, Jet had finally calmed himself down to an extent. He was sitting alone outside in the backyard underneath a big oak tree, letting the breeze brush past him as he sat in a hateful silence, only the rustling of leaves filling the vicinity. He too was blaming himself.

Longshot was sitting inside, also alone. He was sitting in one of the downstairs lounge rooms, just thinking about Smellerbee's death and feeling more and more grief as the minutes ticked by. As usual, he rarely spoke to anybody, though he only occasionally mumbled to himself.

Clearly the two weren't doing so well... Who would be doing well? Some people lacked more care than others, but still... They were afraid for their lives in this shitty game. ... Except for Azula, as she was confident that she could fight back and live... Which she... Probably wasn't wrong with that.

Her confident and nonchalant attitude made Sokka really consider Zuko's theory, yet he still decided that he needed more solid evidence.

Sokka needed to start interrogating people, and needed to start with his best friends, as he knew they would be easiest to talk to. He came up with an order to find and ask them.

He already knew Zuko and Aang's story, but he needed to ask Katara, Suki and Toph before anyone else. He needed to find Katara, who was sitting in a different lounge room to Longshot and was talking to Aang. The two were sitting on the soft fabric of the long dark wine-red couch, leaning back on the white cushions with their feet sat on the fluffy dark wine-red carpet. Wine-red seemed to be a reoccurring colour... Perhaps the theme.

Sokka approached Katara from the front with his arms crossed. Katara seemed to be nervous about the whole situation, with Smellerbee dead and the possibility she could be next... It was scary to think about.

Katara noticed her brother standing in front of her and looked up towards Sokka. Sokka didn't want to suspect his sister of anything, which was why he was calm when asking her questions as he was confident, she could commit no murder for bad intentions.

He asked Katara, "Katara, could I please talk to you for a minute?"

She nodded with a raised eyebrow, feeling a bit confused... Was her brother... Interrogating her?

"Uhm... Okay?"

— — — — — —

An estimate of ten minutes had passed, Sokka had taken Katara outside of the lounge room and into the hallway. That ten minutes was filled with questions from Sokka and answers from Katara. Katara had been sleeping nearly all night, but she woke up to strange footsteps yet thought nothing of it and assumed it was someone going to the bathroom... She was unsure of the time, but that could have possibly tied with Aang's story.

Sokka couldn't help but believe his dear sister, as her story was a believable one. He exhaled through his nose before leaning his back against the wall. Suki was next to interrogate, but Sokka had to ask Katara one more question...

"Do you have any ideas of suspects?"

Katara shook her head. She couldn't think of anybody who would have the motivation to kill Smellerbee, as Smellerbee was a nice girl with a strong sense of justice. Did she voice her strong opinions to somebody who didn't take it lightly? It was hard to tell.

"I have no one... Sorry."

Sokka sighed and gave his sister a reassuring nod.

"It's fine... Do you happen to know where Suki is?"

— — — — — —

Suki was sitting in the dining hall still, thinking about the investigation she knew that was going to take place. She was wondering how she would go about this, wanting to help in any way yet unsure where to start. She was sitting in a dark wooden chair whilst leaning over the long wooden table. The table had a... You guessed it... Dark wine-red cloth stretching along the middle of the whole thing, a fabric of the same colour was hanging off of the back of each chair, including her own.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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