Victim One

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A week had passed. Seven days.
Six nights ever since the Gaang had arrived at the Woodland Manor.

So far, the experience was definitely a weird one... Almost everybody that they had met were inside of the huge structure.

Name them, they were probably inside of the building... Except for Ozai.

In Sokka's opinion, it was weird to see the swampbenders in actual clothing... But in Toph's opinion, they looked great.

Within the time that everybody was staying at the manor, Sokka's instincts were getting a bad feeling about something... Katara told him everything would be fine.

Sokka wanted to believe her, but why would the entrance to the manor be barricaded and guarded if nothing bad was going to happen?

It was just meant to be a game...


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Sokka was silently sitting within the grassy backyard of the manor. It was a gloriously starry night with limited light pollution, as the random invitation had led everybody to a place in the middle of nowhere... It was an unknown location but at least it included a gorgeous sky view.
The stars were scattered like the lights of a city, with the moon conspicuous. The nighttime view was absolutely perfect on that strangely warm night.

Sokka was stuck in his own world while stargazing and connecting random constellations which were out that night. Sokka was a boy to study the stars and their entirety, they were just too beautiful to be left unnoticed.

He was indulged in the astronomy above, right up until the sudden quick sounds of multiple pairs of footsteps had started rapidly approaching from behind. Sokka quickly pushed his body off from the floor and turned his upper body around to let his gaze meet the origination of the strangely rushed sounds.

Upon turning his body, Sokka watched as Aang and Zuko jogged through the darkness and approached the large, opened back door that Sokka sat outside of. The light of the moon quickly hit the features of the two boys as they approached the doorframe.

The shimmering of the moon showcased the disturbed faces of both boys who now stood in the shadowed doorway. Zuko's arms were folded under his chest, while Aang's arms were dangling by his sides. They had seen something... It was unclear as to what, but there was something inside of the manor at that moment.

Zuko tilted his head in Sokka's direction. His face showed confusion as to why Sokka was sitting outside in the middle of the night instead of sleeping... Yet, Aang and Zuko were awake, so any comment would lead to Zuko being hypocritical.

Sokka's eyebrows furrowed with confusion as he finally spoke to the two boys standing in the doorway, both with frightened expressions plastered on their faces. His voice was full of inquiry, yet worry...

"Aang? Zuko? Why're you two awake?"

Zuko sighed as his shoulders tensed up in response to Sokka's question. He seemed quite freaked out, his voice was panicked, and his words were quite rushed as he seemed to be spitting them out.

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