Protective/ Tamber

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Amber is sitting in her and Tara's room when Tara walks in and jumps in her lap.

"Well hello."Amber says laughing 

"Hi."Tara says excitedly 

"What's got you all excited?"Amber asks wrapping her arms around Tara's waist

"Well I got invited to a party tonight."Tara says and Amber raises an eyebrow 

"By who?"Amber asks

"Rachel she's a girl in my history class."Tara says 

"Baby I don't know how I would feel about you going to a party alone."Amber says 

"I won't be alone Mindy, Liv, Quinn, Chad, and Ethan are going."Tara says 

"Well why are they invited and not me?"Amber asks 

"Well she invited them."Tara says 

"Okay so why didn't you ask her if  could go?"Amber asks

"Because I knew that if you went, you wouldn't let me do anything you would be watching over me like hawk."Tara says 

"Wow okay."Amber says putting Tara out her lap and walking into the kitchen of the apartment, Tara groans and follows her in there

"Don't get all mad at you."Tara says 

"I'm not mad."Amber says taking a sip of her water

"Yes you are."Tara says 

"No I'm not Tara."Amber says 

"See that just proves it you never call me Tara."Tara says 

"I'm not mad but but am I upset that my own girlfriend doesn't even want to invite me to a party and hang out with me yes."Amber says walking back into her and Tara's room

"Amber come on it's not that serious."Tara says 

"Okay."Amber says 

"Ugh you're being annoying."Tara says 

"Seems like I always am since I'm too protective."Amber says 

"It gets annoying, I can't even talk to people because you think they're aways flirting with me."Tara says

"Because most of them are."Amber says rolling her eyes 

"It shouldn't matter because I belong to you and you belong to me, you should trust me."Tara says 

I do trust you I just don't trust them."Amber says 

"Whatever I'm leaving."Tara says and leaves the apartment 

"What was all that about?"Sam asks when Amber walks into the living room

"Everyone got invited to a party besides me and Tara said she didn't want me going."Amber says sadly

"You don't even like parties why do you seem upset about it."Sam says 

"I might not like parties but I like spending time with Tara."Amber says 

"Why didn't she want to go then?"Sam asks 

"She says because I'm too protective and she actually wants to make friends without them knowing that she's dating an over protective girl."Amber says shrugging

"Well it's good to be protective especially after everything we've been through."Sam says and Amber doesn't say anything 

A few hours later everyone walks in the door and Tara runs straight to her and Amber's room.

"What the hell."Amber says and tries to follow her but chad moves in front of her

"Chad move."Amber says 

"Before you go in there I want you to know I took care of it."Chad says and moves out of Amber's way 

Amber gets into her and Tara's room and she sees Tara sitting on the edge of their bed with a black eye and bloody scratches down her face and arms.

"What the fuck happened?"Amber asks running Tara

"Rachel's brother tried to get me to sleep with him and when I said no he did this, and chad saw him hitting me and he got into a fight with him."Tara says 

Amber walks to the bathroom and wets a washcloth and walks back to Tara and bends down in front of her and starts wiping the dried blood off her face.

"Why aren't you yelling me?"Tara asks and Amber throws the washcloth in the laundry basket 

"I never yell at you so why would I start now?"Amber asks 

"Because I should've let you come with me."Tara says 

"It doesn't matter what happened has happend, but don't think just because Chad fought him doesn't mean I won't be taking care of him."Amber says and Tara smiles a tiny bit

"I love you."Tara says 

"I love you too baby."Amber says and kisses Tara softly

 The next day Amber is walking around campus when spots Rachel's brother.

Amber walks over and ounches him until he's coughing up blood.

"That's for hurting my girl and if you tell anyone about this I will kill you."Amber says and walks away

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