Told ya So/ Menna

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"I just don't like you hanging out with him."Mikey says, walking into her bedroom with her girlfriend following behind her

"I just don't know why. Him and I have been friends since I started acting."Tara says, shutting Mikey's bedroom door

"Because he likes you, Jenna, and he's using you for fame."Mikey says

"How are you so sure about that?"Jenna asks, annoyed

"Because one he always glares at me when I'm hugging you from behind or just telling you how much I love you and two do you see how many followers he has gain since you and him started hanging out more."Mikey says, and Jenna rolls her eyes

"A lot of people glare at you when you do anything lovey dovey with me, and it's because they get annoyed with how love dovey you're being."Jenna says

"Okay, so I'll quit being lovey dovey with you."Mikey says

"What, no."Jenna says

"Well, not baby, you said people don't like me being lovey dovey to you, so I'll stop."Mikey says

"I don't care what they think I like you being lovey dovey with me. Especially when you hug me from behind me, feel all gooey inside."Jenan says, wrapping her arms around Mikeys neck

"Oh really?"Mikey asks, wrapping her arms around Jenna's waist

"Yes, really."Jenna says

"Okay, I'll be lovey dovey with you if you do something in return."Mikey says

"Whats that?"Jenna asks

"You have to go along with a plan, so I can show you Matthew does have a crush on you."Mikey says, and Jenna groans

"Fine."Jenna says

"Good so you're going to invite him over snd I'm gonna hide where he can't see me and you're going to tell him we broke up and then he'll be like I would never hurt you and blah blah blah and then he'll try to kiss you and I'll be like I told ya so."Mikey says

"What about the part where you said he's using me for fame?"Jenna asks

"Oh, that's a whole another thing."Mikey says, smirking and swaying them side to side slowly

"And what if he doesn't do all the things you say he will?"Jenna asks

"Than you get to tell me I told ya so."Mikey says, and Jenna laughs

"That's not really a good prize."Jenna says, and Mikey leans down kisses Jenna

"It's not?"Mikey asks with her lips ghosting Jenna's

"No, it's not, and don't distract me."Jenna says, pushing Mikey away playfully

"Not really distracting you, baby. I just wanted a kiss."Mikey says

"We're talking about what the prize is if I'm right, and all of sudden, you want a kiss."Jenna says, pulling Mikey back to her by her neck, and Mikey wraps her arms back around Jenna's waist

"Well, you looked so cute I couldn't help it."Mikey says, and Jenna smiles

"Let's just this over with so I can prove you wrong."Jenna says

"No baby girl, I'm going to prove you wrong."Mikey says

"Stop."Jenna says, whining

"Stop what?"Mikey asks, laughing

"Calling me, baby girl, when we were trying to prove each other wrong. You know it makes me melt, and I'm not going to melt for you while I'm trying to win."Jenna says, and Mikey laughs

"I'm sorry, baby girl."Mikey says, smirking, and Jenna groans and oushed Mikey. Then, he walks out of the room, leaving mikey standing there laughing.

Mikey is hiding behind the wall where Mattnew can't see her, but she can still see the living room.

"Hey Matt, thanks for coming."Jenna says

"No problem, so what's going on."Matthew says, sitting on the couch

"Mikey and I got into an argument over you, and she left."Jenna says, sighing

"What about me?"Matthew asks

"She said you have a crush on me."Jenna says

"She's not wrong."Matthew says, and Jenna's eyes get wide while Mikey smirks

"What?"Jenna asks, shocked

"Come on, Jenna, you know half the world has a crush on you. I was just the lucky one to get to be your friend."Matthew says

"Matthew, you need to leave."Jenna says, and Matthew gets off the couch and tries to touch Jenna

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."Mikey says, walking into the living room, and Jenna releases a breath she didn't she was holding in

"I thought y'all fought over me?"Matthew asks, confused

"No dipshit we didn't. I was just proving to Jenna that you liked her."Mikey says, and Matthew rolls his eyes

"I don't really like her like that. I like how she's getting me more followers."Matthee says, and Mikey looks at Jenna with me. I told ya, so look

"You need to leave."Mikey says, and Matthew rolls his eyes and leaves Mikey's house

"I told ya so."MiKey says, and Jenna doesn't say anything and just walks off

Mikey sighs and follows Jenna to her room. When she gets in there, she sees Jenna lying on the bed, curled up in a ball crying.

"Baby, I'm sorry."Mikey says, laying down behind Jenna and wrapping her arms around her

"It's not your fault."Jenna says, uncurling herself and turning to face Mikey

Mikey reaches her free hand up and runs her fingers through Jenna's hair

"It kind of is. If I had just left it alone, you would still have him."Mikey says

"Ywah, I would, but he would just be using me."Jenna says, looking at Mikeys lips, then back into her eyes, and Mikey smiles

Don't think I didn't just see you looking at my lips."Mikey says, and Jenna blushes, and Mikey kisses her head

"I love you."Jenna says

"I love you too, baby."Mikey says

"Can I have a kiss now?"Jenna asks

"Of course."Mikey says and leans in and kisses Jenna

Jenna rolls on top of Mikey, and Mikey puts her hands on Jenna's hips.

After making out for a couple of minutes, Jenna pulls her away and lays her head on Mikeys chest.

"I told ya so."Jenna says

"About what?Mikey asks

"The other day when I told you there was no way you loved me more."Jenna says

"Baby, I literally just showed you how fake you friend was, so I think that proves I love you more."Mikey says

"Baby, I literally just you how fake your friends was, so I think that proves I love you more."Jenna says in a mocking voice

"Oh, so we mocking each other now."Mikey says, flipping them over and tickling Jenna

"No, baby, stop."Jenna says laughing, and Mikey quits and kisses Jenna

"I love you."Mikey says

"I love you more, and don't you dare argue with me."Jenna says

"Yes, ma'am."Mikey says saluting and Jenna laughs

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